My favorite fiction work is Grey’s Anatomy. After a long week of enduring the stress of senior year, I spend my Friday nights wisely. After a hot shower, I slip on some fuzzy socks and boot up Netflix to witness the medical miracles Meredith and Christina manage to perform while still juggling a healthy amount of relationship drama. I bubble with child-like excitement as I picture myself racing around Seattle Grace Hospital with these characters I’ve grown to know and love. This cathartic visualization helps me remember that my hard work is worth it, and these countless sleepless nights are simply preparing me for nights on-call in a hospital. In ten years, I will be a terrified intern thrown into wilderness of clinical practice. I’m well aware
There are countless scenarios throughout this series that are similar to what takes place every day in a hospital and what the doctors and nurses see on a daily basis. Grey’s Anatomy benefits its viewers through realistic portrayals. Multiple surgeries have performed on the show that are consistent with literature. This could be a medium for medication students to review their content of interest or for those who are considering joining the medical field. Coronary bypass is one of many surgeries that is often completed on this show. During this procedure blood is diverted around a section of a blocked artery in the heart to restores blood flow to a patient’s heart muscle. Coronary bypass surgeries are just as common on Grey’s Anatomy as they
For this Media Project, I chose to watch an episode of a Grey’s Anatomy that contains a medical ethics dilemma. I watched Season 2 of Grey’s Anatomy, Episode 23 “Blues for Sister Someone.” In this episode, a woman asks Dr. Addison Shepherd to clandestinely tie her fallopian tubes (tubal ligation) while she gives birth to her 7th child through C-section. She does not wish to have any more children (seven is already a huge burden), but her devout Catholic husband does not allow birth control. Hence, she pleads Addison to help end her childbearing abilities (tying her tubes would be permanent birth control). She begs Dr. Shepherd to do the surgery in private so here is no medical record
They are also always striving to win the Harper Avery award which is an award for the most brilliant doctors.
Throughout the past presidential election, and many others, the ideal of electing the president by popular vote has been at an all-time high conversation topic compared to previous years. While many argue that the Electoral College defeats the purpose of voting, and diminishes the majority’s voice, this is certainly not the case. Without the Electoral College, elections would quickly become, and encourage, radical and corrupt ways in their voting systems, that could possibly result in a detrimental nationwide political crisis of voter fraud, and a rise to direct democracy.
Grey’s Anatomy is a medical drama television show written by Shonda Rhimes and produced by ABC. In season 10 episode 8 Bailey’s husband comes back home from medical school because he is worried about her. With Bens return it triggers Bailey to be distressed. Ben interfered with her daily routine in surgery by switching. She starts with checking her equipment many times and makes her intern to scrub again because she believed the intern infected her gloves. Throughout surgery she loses control of what she was doing and is only worried about causing an infection onto the patient. She is making the surgery longer than excepted because she is ordering many test and is redoing the surgery because she wants to be sure no mistake is done.
Pretty Little Liars is a television show based on a set of novels that focuses on the lives of four teenage girls and the struggles that they face daily. After the murder of their cliques Queen Bee, Alison, each girl begins to get harassed and an anonymous bully threatens to expose all of their secrets. They are abused mentally after what seems like a never ending search to discover who the anonymous person that is harassing them is. The strong relationship that the girls maintain through their anxiety ridden high school career shows us that friendship can help to keep you strong. We will be looking specifically at Abnormal Behavior demonstrated throughout the girls high school days; Social identity theory demonstrated by
Mr. Zhao taught about the human body with such zeal and overwhelming passion, it encompassed me from day one. Though I had already planned on a being a pediatrician because I loved to care for kids, Mr. Zhao made actual medicine in relation to the human body another aspect of a health career to explore and love. You’re probably thinking, “Well yeah, you can’t just like people in the healthcare industry”, yet patient care, compassion, and sympathy play a definitive role in such a field. I’ve witnessed these elements of healthcare first-hand volunteering at Texas Children’s Hospital. I volunteered during the summer and do so now during the school year.
I remember when Pretty Little Liars first aired in June of 2010. I was nearing the end of 7th grade, and I couldn't even stay up after 9. But somehow, that night I stayed up and watched the whole episode alone in my basement. The very next day at school when I asked friends if they had watched, I got a series of "No's" and "It was boring." Deep down, I knew this show would be the next thing, and I was right.
In my opinion, Pretty Little Liars is the best show. There are lots of shows to choose from, but Pretty Little Liars is the best. I love watching this show because the characters are relatable, it’s suspenseful, and it’s creepy.
“After clocking in for years at No Mercy Hospital, I lost all motivation other than to stay at home with my kids. Since I discovered Telenursing, I don’t have to face nurses who eat their own and I don 't feel like I need a bleach shower after work now. I get to work in my pajamas being a
I first started watching “Grey’s Anatomy” on a gloomy Saturday morning during my freshman year of high school. I was bored so I decided to browse for new shows to watch and came across “Grey’s Anatomy”. At first, I was a bit skeptical of the show because I thought it would a typical medical show where the doctors were very serious, and there would not be a story line, just surgeries. After the first episode, I realized I was wrong, the show humorous and addicting. I zoomed
In Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants,” in this story Hemingway shows the emotional impact an unborn child can have on a relationship and the individuals when both parties do not want the same outcome. The story takes place in the 1920’s in Spain involving an American man and a girl who is referred to as Jig. The two lovers are at a bar in the train station where they will head to Madrid. The couple is disagreeing on whether to have an abortion or not. There are many pieces to this story that often occur in relationships such manipulation, dominance or controlling by one partner and lots of emotion. Jig feels that life will be great and she can continue on as normal with a baby while the man feels that having a baby would impact their lives in a negative way.
Although many of my peers cannot say that they know what they want to do with their lives, I have an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction when I think of my future in medicine. It is a feeling that you cannot ignore; a sign that you cannot forget. A passion. Throughout my trials and tribulations at Highland High School and at home, I have faced challenges and conquered many of them. Including my nemesis, which I am still working on, AP Literature and Composition. A universally read book in high schools around the world, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, was the first book to move me on a personal level, as well as help me overcome many difficulties, and find my true passion in life.
When I first came to the University of Pittsburgh from Houston, TX, I never could have imagined the person I would become four years later. I came to Pitt originally a Creative Writing major with the simple desire to become a medical doctor and “help” people. But I couldn’t help but to notice many of the problems around me in my local community, my field, and the world at large and do my best to become a person that could help.
I shadowed a pulmonologist. For an entire month, I ceased to exist as anything but a silent observer. There, I observed and projected myself into the doctor’s shoes, and felt at home. I saw him piece information together, seek out subtle clues that other physicians had missed, and construct a picture that later would save a woman’s life. I had always loved solving puzzles as a child; it came to me naturally. Life had merely escalated the circumstances from building three -dimensional Star Wars battle ships to saving lives. The satisfaction I got from seeing the completed spaceship as a child was only a glimpse of the epitome of fulfillment I would later feel when I saw the grateful woman thank the doctor I shadowed