
Gregorio Cortez Thesis

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Ever since humanity could interact with one another, we would gather among ourselves and share stories. As time went on these same stories were passed down from generation to generation, changing the contents of the story ever so slightly. These stories were called legends and folktales. They share a half true story about a hero tackling an obstacle, these stories are typically important because they share a meaning and symbolizes characteristics from a certain culture in which they originate form. In With a Pistol in His Hands, Americo Paredes compares both the legend of Gregorio Cortez and the actual real-life events in order to point out the differences in hope that it would shed light of the injustice that Mexican-Americans endured during this time. One difference is the nature of the character of Gregorio Cortez. In “The Legend” it discusses many of Cortez’s characteristics by examining his many talents. Cortez could “put five bullets into a piece of board and not make but one hole”, he was also known to be …show more content…

In “The Legend” Cortez’s brother Roman stole a mare from an American which caused the sheriff of the town to investigate. When the American confronted Roman with the accusation, Roman called him a “Gringo Sanvabiche” which resulted in the sheriff shooting Roman in the head. Cortez was with roman through all this and after the sheriff killed roman, Cortez “with a pistil in his hand” shot the sheriff, killing him which resulted in a massive man hunt for Cortez. However, in “The Man” is it stated that the sheriff was asked to look for a horse thief. After some investigation he came to Gregorio Cortez who the sheriff suspected of stealing a horse. The Sheriff was accompanied by two deputies who knew little to no Spanish, which resulted in a misinterpretation between what Cortez was saying. This resulted in the sheriff shooting roman and forcing Cortez to shoot

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