
Green Man Lab Report

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The Green Man has super powers because of what happen to him. Green Man all begin with when Green Man was a normal scientist named Daniel. He was a scientist that creates and test out different chemicals. One day when Daniel was climbing on the ladder to get on top of a vat while carrying a toy. This is because he thinks that the chemical in the vat will be able to turn the toy into a living thing. But when he gets up there; suddenly something pushes him which cause him to falls into the vat with the toy. The chemicals than bleaches his entire body, his skin start to changes from being tan into green, his eyes turns into red and black. Daniel does not know what happen but he saw the toy in the vat is broken and doesn't change into anything. However, …show more content…

His mind and body are not listening to his command. Daniel just started laughing without wanting to do it. Daniel was able to see his reflection on the mirror nearby. He was now a monster, his face was green, and his eyes were red and black. Daniel started to break the mirror without even thinking. He was now controlled by the chemical and it have causes him to lose his memories. Quickly, Daniel just runs out of the lab and started hitting cars and people. The chemicals have given Daniel the ability to see through wall. He ran as fast as he can when he see the polices coming after him. As soon as he can see that the polices was able to shoot him, he started to get angry and attack the polices. With the strength that the chemicals have given him, Daniel was able to sent the polices flying up in the sky with a single hit. People who saw him, start running away and scream in fear was Daniel just laugh and continue hitting the polices after they were all defeated, Daniel run into the forest. He was never seen again, no one know where he is or where he come from. Because of his green skin people called him "The Green

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