
Greek Tragedy Research Paper

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The 6th century BC Greeks did not have the luxury of TV, Internet, or Radio like humans have today. So they wrote plays, they wrote hundreds and hundreds of plays. Although the Greeks did not have the technology or media capability that humans enjoy today, they revolutionized entertainment. Greek tragedy helped form scripted entertainment for the last 2500 years. A tragedy is a play about the downfall of a hero because of hubris, fate, and the gods, it was preformed in an open-air theater or theatron and was based on greek mythology. Tragedies were preformed in the spring because of the Greek religious festival for Dionysus. The way a tragedy was preformed was similar to a modern opera, many parts were sung. (GVSU) A Theatron was where …show more content…

“The structure of a Greek tragedy is; a late point of attack, violence and death offstage, frequent use of messengers to relate information, usually continuous time of action, usually single place, stories based on myth or history, focus is on psychological and ethical attributes of characters.”(Trumbull) Greek Mythology was the ancient Greeks religion. It was based on Gods such as Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. The god of the sky was Zeus he was also the ruler of the olympians. Poseidon was known as the god of the sea and protector of everything aquatic. Hades was the ruler of the dead and controlled the underworld.(Karas) Tragedies were about serious matters and had to do with morals, there was no violence in a tragedy. For example, in Prometheus Bound Prometheus says, “Time in its aging course teaches all things.”(Aeschylus) This is a snippet of wisdom shared in this Greek tragedy. If someone were to die in a Greek tragedy it would be off stage. Greek tragedy was preformed in the late 6th century. Greek tragedy along with Greek comedy, which came about in around 450 BC, formed a base for modern theater …show more content…

(Cartwright) There were three main writers of Greek tragedy, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides. Aeschylus was the first great tragedy playwright and was known as the father of Greek tragedy. He lived from 525-456 BC. He was the first to add a second actor and put dialogue into familiar stories. (Cartwright) When Aeschylus added second actor it meant that he could diversify the plot and add dialogue. The language he used in his plays was and innovation of itself. “Aeschylus’ language in both dialogue and choral lyric is marked by force, majesty, and emotional intensity. He makes bold use of compound epithets, metaphors, and figurative turns of speech, but this rich language is firmly harnessed to the dramatic action rather than used as mere decoration”. He often wrote sequels to his plays, although many of them are lost, only seven of his 70 plays survive today. He wrote Oresteia He fought in the battle of Marathon in 490 BC when he was 35. He was a a major participant in the Great Dionysia, which was a dramatic competition in Athens. At the festival three dramatists would each write three tragedies and a satyr play. He first competed in

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