
Greek Theatre Research Paper

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In the ancient world of the Greeks the everyday sculptors and play writers were focused on sculpting and plays; they would never be able to fathom the effect that they would have on the future of the world. The philosophers of the time maybe had a glimpse of the possibility. The Greek art made a standard for the future. The Greeks created drama. Ancient Greek art and drama is the foundation for today’s art and theatre has influenced it in numerous methods. A vast amount of things has been handed down from our ancestors; one of the most important of those things is the Greek art techniques. In 146BC the Romans conquered the Greeks. After the Greeks were conquered the romans adopted their art. As this happened the Romans spread the art for future civilizations to find. Byzantine art, through pieces such as Barberini ivory carving continued Roman style(Stewart). This keeps the Greek legacy alive and well. During the Renaissance the artist rediscovered Roman/Greek art. They focused on the glorification of the human body. The art was spread throughout Europe and used as a standard for artists. Greek art was replicated by the British. They claimed to be the heir to ancient Greek civilization(Stewart). This shows Britain uses and glorifies Greek art. During WWII …show more content…

Greek theatre included a skene, an orchestra, and an audience(Alimohamed). Today is extremely similar we also have audiences, orchestras, and skenes (also known as dressing rooms). Both contemporary and Greek theaters have a curved semicircle audience. (Alimohamed). The audiences are the same because the Greeks structural design for the theaters made it easier to hear the actors on stage. During a show the Greeks would use cranes to lift actors and today we use wires. (Alimohamed). The idea of lifting actors was also created by the Greeks. Besides the theatre itself the plays and how they are created relate to today as

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