
Greek Material Culture

Decent Essays

It is easy to say, and prove, that Greek material culture reveals an immense amount about ancient Greek society. From vast studies and examinations of the great ancient Greek architecture, the immaculate fine art and literature and even the personal possessions and crafts of the societies own inhabitants, one can reason that these materials reflect much about ancient Greece and its people. From studying the architecture of this ancient society, one can assume various things about its inhabitants such as beliefs, ways of lifestyle and levels of intelligence. The first, and probably the most prominent, detail that one can reveal from ancient Greek architecture is that the people of this society were very religious. Many of the temples in …show more content…

In addition to architecture, fine art and literature speak much about ancient Greek society also. The fine art that has been studied allows us to easily depict how the people of the societies though and how stable they were regarding wealth. One detail that the art of this time show us about how the ancient Greeks thought, was obvious obsession with the human body. Many statues that were created in this time were of humans, mainly men, with perfectionist bodies and every little part of their muscles and features were chiseled with the greatest detail. To add to this, all of the statues created to resemble to gods were made to look like the men of the societies and all had perfect chiseled bodies also. The fact that the bodies of the gods were compared to the bodies of the inhabitants of the societies show us how they believed that all the people of the city states should look. They believed the body was meant to, and was, perfect. Sadly, not much of the ancient Greek art is in favor of women. Rarely any sculptures, statues or paintings are of women or about them. The fact that women are very little represented in the art shows another great detail about the ancient Greeks, which is the level of importance that women have in comparison to men to the people of the societies. Interpretations from these fine arts mainly being revolved around men give us the idea that

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