
Greek Gender Roles

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Ancient Greek Gender Roles vs Modern Times Gender Roles
Over the year’s people have changed their views and beliefs about Gender roles. For the most part society, today have most of the same gender roles as back then in ancient Greek time but, there are still things people look at differently from back then. In today’s world gender roles is a huge aspect of how things are running in society. Women today have tried to find ways to change the different gender roles that woman portrays. It’s starting to be more open for anyone to take on do different Gender roles.
Some gender roles do not even look at as Gender roles because they feel like that something that they should be already doing. Such as men being strong & emotionless. We expect men not to cry and to be strong because they are muscular. In the article, “Social history the author stated, “Men was built better to endure the cold that’s why they had to hunt and do all the …show more content…

Some men believe that they must control their wife. Such as everything she does have to be approved by him. Some men feel like they got to teach their wife how to act and behave based on how they want to perceive her. In the article its talks about how “Ischomachus would control their money as long as they were married” (Xenophon 7.23). This shows that the men back then was expected to have all the power over their woman. Men would also control what they woman wore. It was normal for the men to control their woman back then. In today society men still control their wife’s and their decision. Men are also looked as the most dominate in the marriage. In some relationship woman control and run they relationship but you barely see that. It’s not that many women who are the dominant person in their relationship. Back then men were just trying to control all the resources, if they didn’t a lot of men would look at them differently and try to question their manhood and power over their

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