
Greek Culture And Location

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Cultures from around the world vary greatly based on the locations. Which draws up the question why culture differs from location to location? The first factor that influences culture and how they are formed and developed is their geological factors. The first example that comes to mind when considering how geography effects how culture forms, is the Greek peninsula. From the start of ancient times, Greece was in a way, isolated from the rest of the mainland and separated into city-states because of the mountainous landscape that is Greece. The difference in culture between Athens, and Sparta in ancient times was drastic, while being less than 200 miles apart from each other. Athens was a city of democracy, and learning. While Sparta was a militaristic, …show more content…

Another reason why cultures tend to diff from location is the resources they have access to. This would essentially be quite similar to how the Native Americans developed and grew corn as their “cash crop” and eventually passed that onto the settlers that came from Europe. Due to their environment being perfectly suited to grow corn, they were a society that revolved around growing the crop to use as food, and trade with other tribes for furs. Another example of this would be the spice islands of Indonesia. They had access to spices that many other nations did not, which gave them an advantage and forced them to develop around the spices they had. Cultures change across time because they have no choice. During imperialistic times of nations such as Britain and the United States, they essentially forced their culture onto nations in Africa and Asia. Cultures in Africa sort of assimilated pieces of British culture because of the exposure they had experienced. Ideologies change often due to civil movements that bring light to ideas that weren’t thought

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