
Greed: Applying The Utilitarianism Theory

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Greed is definitely woven into our economy, this is the nature of business and the fact is corruption tends to be the result of greed. In this case people like Michael Burry were driven by greed to find a weak link in the market, which was the housing market, the idea of a market crash meant a great profit on the investments and the consequences of such an action were of little to concern to such people. Once the word spread it was like a domino effect, people started investing and the market crash occurred costing millions of people their homes and jobs. I remember hearing some people had commit suicide back in 2008, when they lost everything. However, these investors walked away with a fortune. It is true the investors were probably unaware …show more content…

Which, means they should have considered what would happen to the people that were defaulting on their mortgage loans. Certainly, there was corruption in the system. They may have figured they are going to allow the corruption to surface, as people who were not qualified were getting loans, again due to the greed of the real estate brokers. However, is deliberately pushing a market crash and profiting the way to expose corruption? I think self-interest and greed was the pure motivation here and they did not have any real justification for what they did, they were investing and understood the outcome they would create. I agree that the banks were to blame for this corruption and that it was not fair that this was never brought to justice. I also agree that the Kantian approach highlights the greed and self-interest evident in the investors, however, I do not think they were completely oblivious to what would happen to the people and while they never intended to harm anyone, they were really focused on the money to the point where it did not really matter what happens after the market crash. This means they were willing to accept anything that happens to the economy and society as long as they get the money. This does not sound to me like innocence, they knew they would create a problem, maybe not to this proportion, but they understood that a market crash would be a bad thing and they pushed for it anyway, all out of

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