
Great Expectations Good Vs Evil

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In this world, there are two forces always fighting each other: good and evil. In human history, good and evil have been seen from the lower class to the upper class, and justice was set to punish evil and reward good, but unfortunately justice isn’t always perfect and ends up punishing good and rewarding evil. In Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, people who are considered to be criminals from society or lower members of society are in fact the most virtuous civilians at that time. Charles Dickens shows a clear distinction between virtue and money by comparing Joe and Magwitch based on their social status and ends up describing lower class men that both men have virtue. For example, Joe manifests his understanding towards the friendship he has with Pip by saying to Mr. Jaggers, “[No] Money can make compensation to [him] for the loss of [Pip since they are the]… ever best …show more content…

In that society, the only way to be remembered was to be rich, or the only way to get an education was once again being rich as well, which made people do terrible crimes to be rich, but when Joe had the opportunity of gaining money and feeding one less person as well he didn’t accept it because he had understood the idea of friendship and followed it which was impressive for a man such as him to learn this principle without being educated, which makes his goodness stand out. A second account is Magwitch who is a criminal who went through the toughest time “been carted here and carted there, and put of that town, and stuck in the stocks, and whipped

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