
Gray Propaganda

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What is media in contemporary America? Media is the main source of information about what is happening in America and the world. The media can cover wars, protests, sports, celebrities, and many different types of information. The media is where the majority of people around the world receive their information and news. The manipulation of the media can be used against the freedom of speech in modern America causing people to withhold their thoughts for fear of being different. The media is a great tool for information and learning about current events, but people should not give all of their faith towards what is being portrayed onto them. The media has evolved from an information channel to an entertainment source that shows biased traits. …show more content…

White propaganda was that whose origin was clearly labeled and which had a transparent purpose. Gray propaganda is information of questionable origin that is never sourced and whose accuracy is doubtful. Black propaganda is information put out by an opposing government or institution and made to look as though it came from a friendly source. White propaganda is the type of information that asks people on the home front to support the war efforts whether it is donating goods to the cause or signing up for the war. This type also tells them what they can do to make these contributions. Gray propaganda is information that’s really on the other end of the spectrum. It’s propaganda that might seem like it’s presenting legitimate arguments that don’t have any sort of agenda behind them, but the origins of the information are almost never properly sourced. A source might be noted occasionally, but it’s often ultimately untrue. Black propaganda can be true or false, but it’s defined by the reason that it’s released, the intent behind it, and the crucial element of being completely believable. The best and most effective black propaganda is that which, in all ways, looks like it’s produced by a legitimate

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