When Liesel and Rudy raced in the book it was at the track and they landed in mud but in the movie they raced on the street and landed in the snow. In the book Hans found The Grave Digger's handbook when Liesel wet the bed, in the movie he just saw her holding it. In the book when Ilsa Hermann saw Liesel take the book from the bonfire she was alone and standing in a distance, but in the movie she was in a car with her husband. In the book when Liesel said she hated the Fuhrer, Hans slapped her and told her never to say that again. In the movie he just told her never say that. In the book it talked more about Liesel and Rudy’s friendship in the movie it didn't really show them being very good friends. It left out a lot of the things they did …show more content…
She was the opposite in the movie. She smiled and she talked and actually liked Liesel. In the movie 3 of the characters from the book were all put into one character: Viktor Chemmel, Ludwig Schmeikl, and Franz Deutscher. In the book Rudy never got tripped by the 3 in 1 bully but he did in the movie. When Max asked Liesel how it was outside she gave him a different description than in the book. In the book she said a cloud looked like a rope and the sun was a yellow whole. In the movie she calls the sun a silver oyster. When Ilsa told Liesel they couldn't afford to hire her Mama anymore Liesel yelled at the woman and told her she was pathetic. She never did that in the movie. Ilsa was the one that gave Liesel the empty notebook, but in the movie Max gave her the notebook. Also in the book Max gave her a book he wrote himself. He never did that in the movie. In the book Liesel didn't tell Rudy about hiding a Jew until they were feeding the parade of them which also never happened, but in the movie Rudy found out way earlier. TOMMY DOESN'T TWITCH IN THE MOVIE! He was posed as an outcast with hearing issues in the book but he just kind of seemed like an annoying brat in the …show more content…
I definitely preferred the book and if anybody asks for a recommendation I would tell them DON'T WATCH THE MOVIE! My mom and I both agreed that the movie wasn't nearly as good as the book. I felt the book captured the true meaning of friendship, love, and death but the movie did not. The movie wouldn't have made sense if I hadn't read the book. Uggg. Also I hated the person who played Max. He is a terrible actor. He didn't look like somebody that was starving and scared for his life. I also felt like the movie didn't really instill the same feelings as the book. In the book where you could read all of Deaths thoughts but in the movie nothing made you scared for the characters. Bleh. I felt that the characters were not represented very well. Rosa was not as cruel, Liesel didn't have any outbursts except for the fight, Rudy was like the book but there wasn't enough. Liesel and Rudy’s friendship wasn't as strong in the movie. And of course the movie left out TONS of extremely important
Ultimately the book was fantastic but the movie wasn’t as far as good in my personal opinion. It was one of the best books I’ve had ever read. At first it goes slow but as you get to know the characters and the plot you get addicted to the book and can’t stop reading in a good
Finally there are lots of differences between the book and the movie. They also show that the movie was a lot weaker then then the book. I can see the movies aren't always better than the books. The books go more into detail than the movie. I enjoined the movie because it is more visual. The book was a little
In the movie it shows how Lloyd really needed LeAlan to keep him out of trouble and how LeAlan always told on Lloyd to David Isay how he has been gambling and not waking up on time to do their documentary. It also showed how LeAlan never let Llod tell his side of the story it's always LeAlan taking over. In the book it made it seemed like LeAlan and Lloyd were the best of friends and always agreed on everything and how the made it seem like Lloyd need LeAlan all the time so he can depend on him to always keep him on
Every time Liesel steals books from people, she consistently places the lives of others at risk. An example of this is when Liesel is worried about Max dying and wants to steal a book and read it to him
As well as the movie having some character differences, some of the scenes were either cut out or added. One of the major differences in the movie is that Candy never comes into the room when Lennie and Crooks are talking to each other. This is an important part in the novel because when Candy comes in, Crooks finds about their future plan wants to get in on the deal. Except this scene is cut short in the movie and Candy never shows up at Crooks’ house. Another important part that is changed in the movie is the ending. The movie never shows Lennie have the illusions of his Aunt Carla and the rabbits lecturing him while he is waiting by the pond. Also, is seems as though in the movie George doesn’t hesitate to shoot Lennie, and it is all over very quickly. Furthermore, the important scene when Slim tells George, “You hadda, George” (107), never happens in the movie, but instead it ends with an image coming from within George’s imagination, a memory of the many happy times that he and Lennie had shared. There are also some scenes that are added into the movie, but only because the novel is so short, they needed to add things to make the
A difference from movie than in the book is that in the movie Liesel’s foster father was not smoking one of his hand rolled cigarettes. Also in the movie, when Liesel would refuse to get out of the car and go in the house Mr.Hubermann would stick out his hand and say, “your majesty.” Then she would come out of the car and walk into the house. However in the book it took fifteen minutes to coax Liesel out of the car and she then clinged onto the gate in front of the foster house while a gang of tears trudged from her eyes.
When watching the film, the first difference the viewer can see between the book and the movie is how the characters are portrayed. A notable example would be Carlson. In the film,
For instance, in the book Joppy knew Albright; Albright knew Todd Carter; Todd Carter knew Richard McGee as well as Matthew Terrell whereas in the movie every character denied knowing each other except Albright and Joppy. Another noticeable difference is that in the book Frank Green, Daphne’s brother ends up murdered and in the movie he lives and they both end up moving. The third noticeable difference is a character name change from the book to the movie; Matthew Teran in the book is Matthew Terrell in the movie and he ends up being murdered in the book whereas at the end of the movie he’s running for mayor. A fourth noticeable difference is the pier scene. In the book Albright and Easy meet at the Santa Monica pier and in the movie it is the Malibu pier. And the last most noticeable difference between the book and the movie is that Mouse knows Daphne Monet or shall we call her by her real name Ruby Hanks; however, in the movie the audience never finds that out. In the movie the only true thing you get to know about Daphne is that she is both black and white. Therefore, due to the many differences between the book and the movie it is confusing to the audience since it is almost like dealing with two different stories because of the plot inconsistencies.
Also, the race is revelatory to the characters because Rudy wants to show his affection and kiss Liesel. Liesel thinks her and Rudy are only friends while Rudy will be devoted to attract her in for a kiss.
In the movie the differences are very noticeable first off Hannah is just referred to as Hannah not Chaya also in the movie there is a woman who gives birth in the camp and the baby is not allowed to live. In the movie Hannah tries to get the townsfolk to have Seder in the camp which is a success in bringing the town people together ,but it doesn’t happen in the book. In the movie Hannah has a love interest but not in the book it doesn’t matter anyways because he just dies after he pronounces his love.
Celia has very different events in the book and in the movie. For example, in the book, Celia hires Minny without telling her husband Johnny. He soon finds out about Minny by the improvement of the meals. In the movie Celia tells Johnny about Minny. Later in the book, Minny thinks Celia has a drinking problem, because she is going upstairs and hiding in her room all the time with a drink. She then finds out that Celia is trying to avoid a miscarriage and it is a drink that she bought to help avoid them, but there is no mention of this in the movie. The book states that there is a naked man that tries to break into Celia’s house, but Celia and Minny scare him off. This is not shown or talked about in the movie. When Celia gets drunk in the book, she accidently rips a part of Miss Hilly’s dress, and Hilly asks for $200, saying it’s going to help children in Africa, but in the movie, there is no request for money, a check
The book and the movie are also different in many ways. The book had more detail in some things but the movie has a better way of showing it. One of the ways that it is different is in the movie Scrooge sold corn to the three men at the bank but in the book that never happened at all! Another thing that was different between the movie
Many of y’all think that a movie is better than a book because y’all don’t like reading. Neither do i, but in this specific movie and book I liked the book a little better. The reason why is because the book gave more detail about certain situation. For example when lennie imagined about Aunt Clara and the big rabbit. That was not in the movie at all.
The differences in Luhrmann's movie are very evident. The movie uses guns instead of swords. This differs from the book because it alters the fighting style and the way people are killed. For
Normally, when a movie is made about a story in a book the two stories are not exactly the same. The movie is adjusted by adding small details or leaving out some parts in order to make the story more