
Grave Digger's Handbook Book Report

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When Liesel and Rudy raced in the book it was at the track and they landed in mud but in the movie they raced on the street and landed in the snow. In the book Hans found The Grave Digger's handbook when Liesel wet the bed, in the movie he just saw her holding it. In the book when Ilsa Hermann saw Liesel take the book from the bonfire she was alone and standing in a distance, but in the movie she was in a car with her husband. In the book when Liesel said she hated the Fuhrer, Hans slapped her and told her never to say that again. In the movie he just told her never say that. In the book it talked more about Liesel and Rudy’s friendship in the movie it didn't really show them being very good friends. It left out a lot of the things they did …show more content…

She was the opposite in the movie. She smiled and she talked and actually liked Liesel. In the movie 3 of the characters from the book were all put into one character: Viktor Chemmel, Ludwig Schmeikl, and Franz Deutscher. In the book Rudy never got tripped by the 3 in 1 bully but he did in the movie. When Max asked Liesel how it was outside she gave him a different description than in the book. In the book she said a cloud looked like a rope and the sun was a yellow whole. In the movie she calls the sun a silver oyster. When Ilsa told Liesel they couldn't afford to hire her Mama anymore Liesel yelled at the woman and told her she was pathetic. She never did that in the movie. Ilsa was the one that gave Liesel the empty notebook, but in the movie Max gave her the notebook. Also in the book Max gave her a book he wrote himself. He never did that in the movie. In the book Liesel didn't tell Rudy about hiding a Jew until they were feeding the parade of them which also never happened, but in the movie Rudy found out way earlier. TOMMY DOESN'T TWITCH IN THE MOVIE! He was posed as an outcast with hearing issues in the book but he just kind of seemed like an annoying brat in the …show more content…

I definitely preferred the book and if anybody asks for a recommendation I would tell them DON'T WATCH THE MOVIE! My mom and I both agreed that the movie wasn't nearly as good as the book. I felt the book captured the true meaning of friendship, love, and death but the movie did not. The movie wouldn't have made sense if I hadn't read the book. Uggg. Also I hated the person who played Max. He is a terrible actor. He didn't look like somebody that was starving and scared for his life. I also felt like the movie didn't really instill the same feelings as the book. In the book where you could read all of Deaths thoughts but in the movie nothing made you scared for the characters. Bleh. I felt that the characters were not represented very well. Rosa was not as cruel, Liesel didn't have any outbursts except for the fight, Rudy was like the book but there wasn't enough. Liesel and Rudy’s friendship wasn't as strong in the movie. And of course the movie left out TONS of extremely important

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