
Grand Cayman Blue Iguana Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction: Endangered species is a species which is classified of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) to become extinct or in red list species. We can find a lot of endangered species today; it is because their populations were destroyed by human being from many different aspects. For examples, illegal logging in the forest destroyed their habitat, farming, and housing of human. Grand Cayman blue iguana (Cyclura Lewis) is one of the species that people concern about it. The results of IUCN show that, the population of the Cayman blue iguana has increase from near extinct to endanger. In this report, I will write about the location and habitat, population and status, the reason they are threatened, and the conservation.
Description: Grand Cayman blue iguana is one of the endemic species, which is only found in Grand Cayman Island. The length of this lizard approximately 20–30 inches (51–76 cm), and weight over 11 kg. This species was classified of lizard that one of the longest living up to 69 years, but in the wild their longest living up to 40 years. These animals can change their color into blue color to bring distinctive signal for other iguanas to create and show their authority. …show more content…

The Grand Cayman islands are the habitat for Grand Cayman blue iguana for live. These species are preferred to living in the dry place, grassland area, and rocky forest in the coastal area. These iguanas spend majority of their time during the day to basking in the sun. These species are incorporation of ectothermic, it’s because these iguana can optimal their body temperature for a long time each day in the sun, and they have higher body temperature during the

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