1. As per the ThePlate report on NCP-O, my grain intake for these 5 days was 69% which meant I was 31% short as per the recommended grain intake. I consumed 4.1 ounce equivalent per day out of the recommended 6.0 ounce equivalent per day.
2. My whole grain intake for 5 days was contributed by 4 food products that added up to 2.4 ounce equivalent per day of whole grains. For breakfast, I chose Kashi Heart to Heart honey toasted oat cereal, which provides 14g of whole grain and 4g of dietary fiber for a ¾ cup serving size of which I had a little over one serving and Post’s Honey Bunches of Oats with almonds which provides 10g of whole grain and 2g of dietary fiber for a ¾ cup serving size of which again I consumed a little over one serving, I
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I consumed 6.21 cup equivalent of about 10 servings of vegetables during these 5 days, of which 1.50 serving made up leafy greens comprised of kale and spinach, 3 servings of red/orange and yellow veggies like carrot, bell peppers and tomato, 1 serving of starchy vegetable like peas, about 4.25 combined servings comprised of other vegetables like mushrooms, cucumber, cabbage, onions and garlic, which were cooked and added in recipes like “chicken curry”, “oxtail stew”, and “chicken Asian manchow soup” and 1.25 servings of legumes like kidney beans.
3. A.) The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 2.5 cup equivalent per day based on a 2,000 calorie diet and encourages eating from the 5 different subgroups – dark leafy greens, red/orange and yellow, starchy, legumes and others in order to maintain variety and meet nutritional needs. Vegetables can be consumed fresh, frozen, canned, and dried in cooked or raw forms. It is recommended to consume vegetables in their nutrient dense forms and limit salt, butter and creamy sauces. Canned veggies should be low in
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During my 5 day food diary, I consumed 8.78 cup equivalent of a wide variety of fresh fruits this week from apples (1.11 cup equivalent), bananas, strawberries (0.42 cup equivalent), navel oranges, red pears(1.1 cup equivalent), avocado (0.98 cup equivalent) and dried dates as well as frozen fruits like blueberries and Acai berries approx. 0.23 cup equivalent. With banana being my most popular choice due to convenience, of which I consumed 3 during the 5 day diary. Other fruits were consumed in different portions throughout the 5 day diary. The way I consume fruits is by incorporating them in my morning breakfast smoothie using my Nutribullet that retains the dietary fiber from fruits and veggies as compared to juicing where the fiber is separated and the juice only contains concentrated sugars that spikes your blood
Based on a 24 Hour Recall of my diet, results using NutriCalc Plus report that my food intake lacked a healthy balance of all food groups. My Grain intake reached only 60% of the My Plate daily recommendations. My Vegetable intake was a mere 50% of the recommended servings. Additionally, I consumed 84% of the daily recommendations for the Dairy Group. Nonetheless, I did exceed the recommendations for the Fruit Group and Protein Group with intakes of 155% and 107%, respectively.
The recommendation for carbohydrates for my kcal goal was 130g; I actually consumed 380g but fell short of the recommended %calories by 3% with a consumption of 42% calories. The amount of fiber consumed was also lower than the recommended; the recommended intake of fiber was 38g and I consumed 28g. To adjust my intake closer to the recommended amount of carbohydrates and fibers, I could increase my intake of unpeeled fruits and lower the intake of wheat.
His target for calories is 3,185 per day and he reached 1808 calories which was identified as under. According to the attached analysis, he consumed 122g of protein, 206 g of carbohydrates and 40 grams for fat which were all recognized as ok according to the analysis. For fruits and vegetables his status was considered under for both. For fruits the recommended amount was 2 ½ cups and he only consumed 2 cups and for vegetables the recommended amount was 4 cups and he only consumed 2 ½ cups. His fiber intake for that day was 18 g and the recommended amount was 38 g which was not adequate enough based on the recommendation.
c) Unfortunately, I have not met the recommended intake by eaTRackers standard for any of the food groups making my diet inadequate. For fruits and veggies I could have had one more in order to meet the standard, I could include a cup of raw zucchini to sprinkle with my salad. For the grain products, I can consume 2.15 cups of rice. I was close to the recommended servings for the diary and alternative if I add 0.5 cup of milk I would meet my standard. For the meat and alternatives I would need 1.2 servings to reach the standard, however as this is difficult to measure out I will go to 1.5 servings (I primarily get my protein from
This paper will focus on some important nutrients that are important for general health: fiber and protein. My personal daily intake will be analyzed to determine what foods are providing the right type of proteins and fiber, and how food consumption might be adjusted to provide for a healthier nutrient intake. It is important to state at the outset that the nutrient intake that is being used for this analysis is only for a one-day period. However, it will provide some insight into my eating habits and how those habits might be improved from a scientific standpoint.
The fiber intakes meet the recommendation calculated by I Profile. Since the recommendation was met, I believe that the fiber intake was just right. However, I do not believe that my diet met the minimum number of servings of food from each of the fiber containing groups. I believe that the both groups for fruits and vegetables fell short of the minimum number of servings. The specific foods that provided the most fiber were pasta, and a bagel. Whereas, the foods that provided the least were the BBQ chips, Croissant, sausage. It appears that the trend in my food choices is that there are not enough fruits and vegetables, which affects my fiber intake.
During this week, I Edgar Burgos had to conduct a food intake for 3 consecutive days. This paper will describe my nutritional endeavor for the past three days. I will provide different aspects of my nutritional needs and an in depth analysis on how proteins fats carbohydrates and fiber take part in my everyday diet and what are these functions. This is intended to broaden my views of a healthy lifestyle, and how to achieve it through a variety of food groups.
To maintain optimal health through a balanced diet it is important to keep the intake of macronutrients within the recommended ranges. The effects of eating too many macronutrients or not enough can cause under-nourishment or over-nourishment. “Over-nutrition occurs when long term human energy intake exceeds energy expended on basal metabolism, digestion, work and leisure” (Huffman, Huffman, Rickertsen, & Tegene, 2010, p. 5). Over-nutrition of any nutrient in some instances can create toxicity in the human body that may result in future morbidity. The macronutrient intake during the 3-day-diet ranges both inside and outside of the
The goal of eating the fruit food group was to consume an approximate 1 1/2 cups. Carry out this goal, consuming more fruits as snacks or during my breakfasts, replacing it with other foods. Compliance with this food group was satisfactory since it consumed varied and good fruits of flavor where it could vary them in the meals. In many cases, the limit of the amount of intake was passed, consuming fruits that contained a higher level of sugar and
fruits and vegetables in my daily intake. The daily recommended intake of fiber was 21 g. The
Carbohydrates, a primary source of energy for the body, are the sugars, starches, and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables, and milk products. The carbohydrates intake that I recorded reached the recommended level of carbohydrates intake. My intake of carbohydrate was 219.40 germs on the actual intakes list. Although it reached 80 percent of the recommended carbohydrates intake, my carbohydrate intake still below the goal in my calorie assessment report. Due to this, I should eat more vegetable or whole grains. Moreover, almost all my carbohydrates intake came from white rice, fruits, and noodles in my three-day diet food list. White rice, and noodles both contain high carbohydrates for
In this report it will be analyzing my personal diet. I analyzed myself over a 3 day period. During this period, I analyzed my eating habits on national holidays versus my day to day life. I am a 20 year old female (not pregnant or lactating) I estimate my weight to be 195 lbs. and my height is 5 foot 6 inches. My daily activity level is sedentary. My job is as a leasing professional and in that profession there is some foot traffic but not much. There is also limited heavy lifting. Out of work I participate in limited physical activity. I rock climb on some occasions and attend the gym occasionally. My personal goals currently is to stay healthy. As I lessen my work load I would like to increase my physical activity with strength training and cardio. Pertaining to my nutrition within the 3 days due to their being a holiday I ate more meat than usual. I try to add more vegetables to my diet. Fruit are not often added to my meals due to how quickly they decompose. I eat mostly organic products and limited dairy. I try to avoid bread and pasta and use vegetables as substitute in recipes that require them.
My food habits vary, some days I eat a lot of food and other days I don’t eat very much. My favorite food to eat is frozen yogurt/ice cream. Some foods I dislike are tomatoes and zucchinis. My parents often encourage me to eat vegetables. I sometimes listen depending on what vegetables are available. I normally eat healthier foods around dinner time. I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and one or two snacks in between. One school days I don’t eat a very large breakfast due to limited time, but on the weekends I have time to make a larger breakfast, such as waffles. On the weekend I tend to eat out at restaurants and on week days we usually make dinner at home.
The last quarter should have the plate filled with protein like cooked beans, hummus, nuts, cooked fish, cooked eggs, cooked chicken and cooked beef. A piece of fruit like an apple and an 8oz of milk, 8oz of water and 6oz cup of coffee. The starches, vegetables, fruit, protein, and fat should be portioned out correctly to have a well-balanced meal. An example of a well-balanced meal consists of Breakfast- ½ cup of cooked hot cereal, 1 small apple, 1 cooked hardboiled egg, 1 piece of cooked bacon, 8 oz of milk and 8 oz of water. Lunch- 4 oz of cooked fish, ½ cup of cooked carrots, 1 slice of bread with a teaspoon of butter, ½ cup of juice, and a 8 oz cup of water. Dinner – ½ cup of cooked rice, ½ cup of cooked green beans, ½ cup of grapefruit, 4 oz of cooked baked chicken, 8 oz milk, and 8 oz water. The snacks can be 1 plain doughnut, 2
During the three days of documented intake, my fiber consumption was only 24.3% of the daily recommendation. Fiber helps promote proper digestive functions, helps lower cholesterol, and helps in lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease. My intake was too low based on the recommended consumption, and according to the data, I should eat more foods that are rich in fiber. These can be insoluble fiber sources like wheat bran and nuts or soluble fiber sources like oats, beans, and apples. The only foods that provided fiber in my meals were the bagels.