
Graduation Speech: Moving From Elementary School To Middle School

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August 21st, 2017. The year where a handful of kids from Curtsinger, Gunstream, Shawnee Trail, etc, all come to Wester Middle School, as an official 6th grader. This is the year all of us went from being the “Big kids” in Elementary School All the way down to being the little babies of Middle School! As I was finishing the 5th grade, all of our teachers were helping us to figure out what it’s going to be like. I was terrified about getting late to classes and losing all my friends who weren't in my classes! These things freaked me out just thinking about them! Moving from Elementary School to Middle School had some pros & cons. A pro was that you were aloud to pick your seats at lunch and you had BYOD Days (Bring your own device),

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