
Graduation Speech: Minecraft Username

Satisfactory Essays

What is your Minecraft Username?:
Hello there This Is Kobe, My current In game name is ULG I have had a few though My post recent Ign ame name is Fundings and the one before that is Retirinq.

How old are you?:
My current age is 14. The date i was born is March 25th 2002 Im a young player of minecraft with alot of experience, I might seem quite young but I'm very mature for my age i will be sure that I'm i am accepted to become a staffing member i don't abuse no powers given to me i will be active as possible and will be sure to provide as much help as i can.
What timezone Are you in?:
The current timezone that I'm living in is titled Eastern Standard Time or Maybe you know it as EST. I Live in the Country titled The United States.

How long

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