
Graduation Speech : High School Students

Decent Essays

Actually, in the high school students got test as the SAT where every student had to write about a topic in just twenty-five minutes, for to prove the improvement and skill of every student in redact, analyze and write an essay. Because the importance of the writing in the High school is focus in the making of new texts and the comprehension it, which good oriented and structured would convert in knowledge. The apprenticeship based in the writing; potency a whole of ideas, and generate bases for the elaboration of own writing that contain arguments; may be reference of others writers, but develop the essence lexical, linguistic and analytical that the students acquire and expand in that process of accompaniment, education and monitoring. In addition, there are students cannot develop a good essay neither understanding it, but it is by the lack of put their ideas in order and consistency in it. Smith says, “Last spring, at the same time that English professors across the country were suffering the every-semester hell of grading final papers, high school juniors were receiving scores for the first SAT writing section essay. Immediately, there were complaints: No one can write well in twenty-five minutes! The scores reward length!”(Smith 16). It for this, I am a favor in every student should to have the level adequate when he is in college. Given the reason that there are tools for improve the writing where help them to grow mentally doing it more easy for make an essay, also

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