A few weeks ago, I was assigned to give a speech in my communications class about my background. After giving my speech, my professor excitedly approached me and said “wow, that was very inspirational. When I saw you, I thought you were just a privileged, pretty boy whose parents worked in the tech industry.” Believe it or not, this is not the first time I have gotten this reaction. When I tell people that I was born in a third world country and immigrated to the United States at the age of 12, their reactions often entail dropped jaws and shock, due to how quickly I have adapted to American society. So dear roommate, I would like to inform you that supposedly my appearance does not match that of someone who has been working since the age of
Welcome, I am honored, as a young first generation Latina, to be speaking in front of you. Although there are stereotypes toward young Latina woman such as myself, I knew that anything was possible which brings me here today. I am not here to talk about myself but rather the future especially our future. A future where I envision that technology has advanced extremely but fear that our human interaction and compassion will be decreasing.
I am an American with an ancestry of a Mexican . I know that I’m just a young kid and all you people don’t think I know , but really I do . I know that I will have a great education and maybe become a well known worker, and the kids in Mexico and other places could too. But if me and many other people have to leave, I will not become major neither will many other kids . Us kids are the future! Now, I don’t want to say names but many people are voting for a racist person, who you all think is major.. But really is not. I know that this person is conceited and really a horrible person . But of course you all are using him for his large amount of money. But just know that you are effecting us young kids with many hidden
Speaker of the house, honorable members of congress, and my fellow Americans, I am truly grateful for the invitation to address this joint session of congress. I never imagined myself speaking to such great sapient paradigms of people living the American Dream. Since I was a young child, I often pondered about the American dream and how to attain it. Thanks to the help of my parents, mentors, the countless opportunities that the United States offers a Latino immigrant like me, I have enough reason to believe I am on the path to attaining such a salient aspect of American culture known as the American dream. I come to address some of primary reasons why many brave individuals have decided to partake in the honorable hegira of their home
On Friday, January 20th everything my parents’ came here for is being destroyed by one person. They came here for us to be safe and grow up with opportunities, the ones he wants to take away from us . In Mr. Trump’s eyes every female is just a piece of meat, in my parents eyes, I’m a strong Xicana (Mexican American) and Paisa woman. I’m a woman that has ignored the hate, the racism, the discrimination all for one sole purpose, to make my parents proud. To many Americans I am nothing, to my Hispanic/Latino community I am everything. I am the future, I’m their hope, I am the one who will make them proud. I’m a junior in high school that will graduate in the year of 2018 and attend college and pursue something in the medical field and maybe get
My Son, not once would I ever think I would be so disappointed in you. I’ve spent the past four days pondering on what I could have possibly done wrong. How can you rebel against the king like this? The second I heard the news that you became commander of those filthy rebels and the coward-like militia, I was absolutely disgusted. As a friend of the kings, I am entirely against your reason of rebelling. He has set our family up for an amazing life in the colonies! Who cares about extra taxes? We can surely afford it! There is absolutely no reason you guys need to fight our own leaders, may I add the most powerful army in the world, other than for an excuse to get yourself killed! Son, tell me now if you are suicidal because I will buy all the mental health counseling you and your SICK friends need!
First I want to thank you for contacting me as humbly requested by my friend, I was very surprised to hear from you but then I am also very grateful that you contacted me. I am 6"1, Irish/English by birth , 55 years of age, raised in England. I came to the United States a year ago to help a British construction company set up a branch but due to some internal issues between the board of directors in England they had to shut down the company just before it even started so I decided to remain in the United States and started working as an independent Contractor. Currently I am in South Africa busy with a project and after completion of the project I will be back to the U.S in 4 weeks time. Summerville, SC is home for me when I get back to the states.
Another example was the first time stepping on Haskell’s campus. My youngest had went off to college himself. I was well received by professors, staff and the students. An occasional snicker here and there because of my age. I assumed that I would get a few of those. But, was so excited that I was here and part of it all. Over lunch in Curtis one afternoon I listened to students talking about the prejudice they had experienced at Haskell because of their native color. They were being told they were not part of the In-group. How could that be? I was really surprised until I had experienced it myself. I had a teacher that would use all of my work as examples but then would not give me any credit. Not that I required attention, but, felt I should had some recognition. Our little group would meet for lunch a few times a week and on this particular day my little world opened up to the In-Group Out-Group world. After lunch was over my friend, who shall remain nameless as everyone will know who he is, were walking to our next class when out of frustration I had mentioned my teacher’s attitude towards me. Being a true friend and not thinking before he spoke he said “Well, if you didn’t look so white maybe she would act differently towards you”. So, there I was, in the Out-group when I thought I was in the
That comment on the first day of school was a turning point for me. I learned quickly to embrace all my weirdness and that being Blasian (black/Asian) is fantastic. I have two completely different stories to tell when I talk about my family. I have proven to myself and to my peers that I don't have fit a particular stereotype, I’m good at science, and I can run quickly. High school has been tough, but I’ll leave more resilient and mature than I was three years
I dedicate this to Mr. Kovac and Mrs. Newman, two fabulous school curator and scholars who advised me to realize what’s it truly abide to be an American. Overall enlightened me to never criticize a person by who they are, and who they cast or sexaulity they have, personally are all living beings and produced equal. I admit that individuals can all obtain forward as humans and not animals, you folks accompanied me with remarkably much and your individual remains genuinely compassionate people. Amplify attitude would never forget them no matter what and i’m pleased that I knew them previously I dispensation my school positively. Mr. Kovac you sojourn extremely astonishing and you recognize multifarious satisfying novels that I appreciate, certainly
I'm Gilberto Rodriguez and I graduated from Latino Youth HS where I was apart of the YS3 program.
Today I found two pennies on the ground. If you look at them, one of them is very old and the other one is basically new. If you look closer one of them has the Lincoln memorial on it and the other has a shield. But if you look even closer they both have 6 things in common. But the things they both have are the most important. They both have “Abe Lincoln”, “One Cent”, “United States of America”, “Liberty”, “In God We Trust”, and “E Pluribus Unum.” But what I am trying to say is it doesn’t matter what year it is America is America, it doesn’t matter who is president America is America. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years will go by and everything will be
I was born in China and came here when I was a baby, and naturally I have the appearance of an average male from china, that has black hair, brown eyes, and yellowish skin. Because of these features and because I was born in China, my nationality is that I’m Chinese, but that is where the assumption start, they all assume that I can speak Chinese fluently, and practice Buddhism. However, when they find out that I can’t speak Chinese, and don’t practice Buddhism; the responds I often get is, “ but aren’t you Chinese?” Some people may say that I been Americanized, and because of this I don’t hold on to any Chinese traditions or believes and only Chinese on the outside.
I read what I want and if I don't see bad people there must not be any. Seriously? I guess I only voted for Hillary because she was a woman too? Um, well, Larry. I didn't say you call them all rapists but you pretty much did. With all due respect, you stating you see bad people every day is equivalent to a Krispy Kreme worker saying they see donuts. You work in a prison not really the cream of the crop. I actually live in one of the top two cities with the most illegal immigrants, so tell me again what I see. As of 2015, Asians outpaced Mexicans in undocumented immigrants. So next time you picked your favorite Chinese take out, check their papers. Illegal is illegal,
Hello, we would like to welcome and thank all of you for being here with us tonight to celebrate our high school graduation . It truly is an honor to be surrounded by so many significant people who have impacted our lives immensely throughout our highschool years. We would like to thank the wonderful people here tonight that we have the privilege to call our parents. Whether you are a mother a father, grandma or grandpa, or an aunt or an uncle; we are here, graduating today because of all of you.
Something that was really hard for me was to come and study here in the US. What opened the doors to achieve this personal goal was the sport that I play, basketball, thank to that I have a scholarship, and of course the support from my parents was one of the most important thing to get it done. To get to study in the US for me it was a great achievement, because since childhood I wanted to do, always kept my goal in my mind and insisted to get it, until one day I got it and did not hesitate to accept and challenge to myself.