Good evening staff, students, families and friends to the grade 8 class of 2017’s graduation ceremony. I would like to genuinely thank you all for coming out here tonight to celebrate with us our bittersweet moments of graduation. I would like to acknowledge and express my gratitude to my fellow peers and grade 8 teachers for choosing me to be your valedictorian and spokesperson for tonight. It is such a great honour to be valedictorian because you all trust me enough to summarise some of the most memorable years of our lives. This night is an extremely special night for us. We will speak about our past, present and future. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we are at least going to miss one person in our grade. The bright side though is that we have grown together and the memories with this great community will always last. Plus, we will get to experience so much more in high school. New friends, teachers, subjects, challenges and memories. We should take advantage of our knowledge and expand on it to get the best high school experience. So really, we should be happy that we have a good ceiling for our base in Grade 9 as Mr Grandsoult says. Let’s start off with our firsts.
Now, the first day at St. Maria Goretti. Whether it be kindergarten or sometime this year, we’ve all had one. The nerves and excitement overwhelmed our minds when we walked these halls - our halls - for the first time. First teachers, first homework. A lot of our “firsts” shaped us into the awesome people we are today. Here’s another first we can all relate to.
Our first friend. Maybe they stood up to a bully for you or maybe they were the bully to you.
However you met, it doesn’t matter because as Griffins, we put aside our differences and let our friendships blossom. Our friends make the school life much easier and we are truly blessed to go to such a diverse school like SMG. The sports teams, clubs and events help us find new friends that we share interests with. Speaking of friends, I’m going to talk about a trip that brought some VERY unexpected friendships to be. Mansfield. The highlight of the grade. Although a lot of us, (let’s be honest), missed being away from our family for 5
On the first day I was happy and ready to start my day. When I got my schedule I was lost. I didn’t know where to go. One of the staff members had to help me get to my class. I was hoping that I have a class with some of my friends that I knew since elementary school. When I came in. I saw my friend, I was so happy. I hurried up and sat in my seat before the bell rang.
I moved to Crawford my 7th grade year. I attended Crawford Middle School that year. That year went by exceptionally well, but the next year the school closed for 7th and 8th graders, so I had to join Hotchkiss Middle School. I found the Hotchkiss kids very welcoming, and friendly. I instantly became friends with almost all of them. There was just something so welcoming about that school from the friendly teachers who all cared very deeply about each individual student. The happy and friendly attitude wasn’t just at the school, it seemed everyone everywhere was just so happy to be in a beautiful place. Hotchkiss has always been a home for me from that day on because of the welcoming attitudes.
Dear administrators, teachers, parents, beloved friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 8th grade graduation. It’s a pleasure to be standing in front of you today on this beautiful day to express the happiness we all feel.
On a cold sunny day in January 2016, I enrolled in Dierks High School as a seventh grader.I had many questions about meeting new teachers, classmates, and other staff. For me this was a very eventful day. The experiences of that day are memorable because they marked the beginning for me as a new student, hopeful of feeling like I belonged in a school where I didn't know many people.
That first day of school that morning was filled with nerves, and heading into the school year. I was ready as usual and as soon as the bus came, waved to my parents as usual. The bus ride
When we get older,and seeing all of our old teachers and all of the new kids going to their first day of school, can really make someone reflect on their memories to meeting their best friends, first baseball games, meeting new people, and their first day of school.
Being around so much family was great. My family and my mom’s two sisters lived in a town called Versailles. Versailles was about twenty minutes away from Lexington, where my Mamaw and Papaw lived. I spent many days with my Mamaw while both my parents worked. Papaw was home sometimes, but usually he was working for his friend Mr. Graves, whom had been his employer for years.
way to our advisory. Whilst I was inside of the auditorium, I had become friendly with a girl named
I visited Nora Sterry Elementary School on Friday and had such an awesome day with Miss Reese and her first grade class! I could tell you all about it in an email, but I would rather tell you in person tomorrow!
Sarah and I met during the cast party of last year’s play, Pirates vs. Zombies. I was sitting at the table in the back of the gym where everyone was dancing and having a good time. I was playing Tuber Simulator on my phone and was being antisocial per usual. Then a girl I did
At the end of my first day, although exhausted, I felt amazing. I felt as if I had really given these young children a memorable learning experience. Not only did I teach them, but they taught me. They taught me patience, understanding, and
Everyone has his or her own first day of kindergarten experiences. Some might have been more memorable while others still trying to forget. Mine was merely an observance and evaluation period. After I gave my mother a kiss goodbye, and placed my belongings in the cubbyhole I was ready to learn, but unfortunately the majority of the other students were not. Considering one can not get too accomplished over many loud high-pitched cries, I was forced to be patient and suffer silently from boredom.
Hello, we would like to welcome and thank all of you for being here with us tonight to celebrate our high school graduation . It truly is an honor to be surrounded by so many significant people who have impacted our lives immensely throughout our highschool years. We would like to thank the wonderful people here tonight that we have the privilege to call our parents. Whether you are a mother a father, grandma or grandpa, or an aunt or an uncle; we are here, graduating today because of all of you.
As I walked into the classroom for my first day of observations, I was greeted
English class seemed to be the most dreadful to take within school. Writing essays for most of my grade in a class is not what I was looking forward too. When I entered college I knew that it would be one of many challenging classes I would have to take. Starting from the lowest English class to moving on up, the writing assignments became longer and more thought out. The time came when I got into this class that I knew more work was going to have to be put into essays and thus brought out what I had not seen before in my work progress.