We Did It! *|FNAME|*, We have made history tonight! I received a call tonight informing me that I had been nominated as the Democratic candidate for Virginia’s 28th District. I am honored not only to be your candidate, but I humbled to be both the first African-American nominee to represent Stafford or Fredericksburg in the House of Delegates as well as the youngest candidate to be nominated in the District's history. I will be following in the footsteps of pioneers before me, such as Dr. William Ferguson Reid, the first African-American in Virginia’s General Assembly since Reconstruction, and Rev. Lawrence Davies, Fredericksburg’s first black mayor. These groundbreaking individuals paved the way for me and I am indebted to them. Although it is nice to make history this is not the history we want and need to make. Our goal is much higher and our aim is for Richmond. Let’s make this dream a reality. …show more content…
When I first announced my bid for candidacy earlier this year I was delighted by the support I received from members of our community. I have watched this movement grow and I am eager to continue our fight. As a result of this nomination, my name will not be on the Primary ballot on June 13, but it will be on the General Election ballot in November. Can you help us spread the word and mobilize our campaign? I could not have accomplished what I have so far without your help. I am forever beholden to the citizens who donated their time and energy to this campaign. Together we will make Richmond put people first. In solidarity, Joshua Cole and
“The election that ultimately counts is in November,” said Renck. “So in the coming months, I will be working hard to demonstrate to voters that I am the best person for the job no matter who is my opponent.”
As I am sure you are aware, the 2014 General Elections are quickly approaching. While there are many interesting initiatives on the ballot, there is one initiative in particular that could benefit from your support, as you can from it. Proposition 2 is a bill supported by not only the Democratic and Republican caucuses, but also by countless organizations and newspapers, including the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association, California Chamber of Commerce, La Opinion, Long Beach Press Telegram and Los Angeles Times ("Save Your Votes and View Endorsements.”). In addition, some proponents of the bill are contributors to your campaign, such as the California Chamber of Commerce (We Draw the Lines, 2014).Your political
James: The Little Rock Nine inspired me to enrol and continue the fight towards a desegregated society. I want the world to accept people regardless of their skin colour and allow their voices to be heard.
With that being said, tomorrow I beg you to vote if you are eligible. We need leaders who protect and respect human rights, such as those of the Lakota people.
So rally boys, rally, let us never mind the past; We had a hard road to travel, but our day is coming fast; For God is for the right, and we have no need to fear, The Union must be saved by the colored volunteer.
The first committee I would like to serve upon winning is Opioids & Substance Abuse, Select Committee. This house committee is concerned with rehabilitation services; how to reduce opioid use in Texas; how to fund substance abuse regulation programs and agencies; community education on substance abuse; and provision of medical services to
Early in December, the filing period for the 2014 election cycle ended. Looking over the ballot, I am gratified by the number of my fellow citizens that desire to serve. When I look at my place on the ballot, I am unopposed in the primary in March and the general election in
Moreover, my platform for the campaign was to improve the quality of education and provide affordable costs to students. Besides this, I focused on the roads of Texas and their status. The roads are not good enough and are undergoing construction. I am standing on those issues and on reducing the tolls. My platform also considered the advancement in public health. I focused on improving the health services of the people. My agenda is particularly on providing easily accessible medicines and services to the public so that they can be benefitted. ‘Health is wealth’ is my propaganda. Since, my platform is focused on such issues and my agenda have positive impact on the education, health, and transportation, my placement on these committees is justified. It serves my district’s needs. We have less health services and people cannot afford those facilities. Expenses are higher for people. Improving the
Today we began the day on our Your Choice Colorado moving into some issue discussion with the team. As we approached the end of our first week towards our efforts door-to-door for the campaign we have gained plenty of great feedback from folks. We worked on the best ways to approach those common questions asked daily and sharing with on another the most efficient ways to deliver in these situations. Canvassers keep familiarizing themselves with how the public feels in regards to allowing beer and wine over 3.2 at local stores other than liquor stores. Went sent out a strong veteran group of canvassers to House District 36 and collected a total of 67 letters of 148 conversations. For our next canvass we hope to work on turf management to make
Deciding to run for the Texas State Senate, was a life-changing decision. The effort I had to put into this campaign was extraordinarily time-consuming, but the end is almost near, and I know it will all be worth it. Running for office in Texas will not only cost thousands of dollars, but the number of votes will also matter to me. By the end of this campaign, I am sure I will not only win the elections for the people but also change the perspective of my voters. Because I know if you have the materials needed to succeed, you will achieve.
Come Let us be about the business of today. Bowels of slave ships we’ve survived; Jailed cesspools we’ve overcome. Rock and hard place vote is a breeze. From where we must go Let’s choose now. Now is the time.
I am running for Congress because the people of TX-29 need an active, progressive, effective voice in Washington. Nobody can look at the statistics in our district objectively and think things are ok. 91% of the people in the district don’t have a bachelor’s degree. Over 50% of students in the district are dropping out of high school. Over 54% of people in the district don’t own a home. Over 24% – including over 33% of children – live in poverty. If you ask people who have lived in this district for the last 20+ years, they will tell you nothing has changed. The bad schools are still bad and the good schools are out of reach. College is nothing but a dream. Day to day life is about mere survival – economically and socially.
I am writing to you about The Wallace store. We all know about the outrageous behavior that is going on there ; Therefore, many of us have decided to stop shopping at this store, I highly encourage you to start shopping in Vicksburg instead. Nevertheless, I do understand that you likely have an abundance of worries about this plan; However, I very firmly believe that if we all stand together we will cause a difference, even if it’s Meager.
As I am watching the speech for the very first time, multiple thoughts are coming to my head. Here is our President –Elect presenting this speech to us about how much he is going to help change our county for the better. The beginning first words of his
First off I want to say that I am very happy to see all of you here. I am going to use this time to announce my candidacy for Senate. After much deliberation I have decided to leave the House of Representatives after my three terms and run for a position in the United States Senate. I believe that I am the right candidate for this position for several reasons. First of all, I was in the House for six years, because of this I understand how the institution is run from the inside, and I understand the problems of the Senate. I believe that this is a very important aspect when running for the Senate. Second I realize that Congress has some fundamental problems, that come from individual goals as well as institutional goals, and I want to take