
Graduation Speech: Democratic Candidates

Satisfactory Essays

We Did It! *|FNAME|*, We have made history tonight! I received a call tonight informing me that I had been nominated as the Democratic candidate for Virginia’s 28th District. I am honored not only to be your candidate, but I humbled to be both the first African-American nominee to represent Stafford or Fredericksburg in the House of Delegates as well as the youngest candidate to be nominated in the District's history. I will be following in the footsteps of pioneers before me, such as Dr. William Ferguson Reid, the first African-American in Virginia’s General Assembly since Reconstruction, and Rev. Lawrence Davies, Fredericksburg’s first black mayor. These groundbreaking individuals paved the way for me and I am indebted to them. Although it is nice to make history this is not the history we want and need to make. Our goal is much higher and our aim is for Richmond. Let’s make this dream a reality. …show more content…

When I first announced my bid for candidacy earlier this year I was delighted by the support I received from members of our community. I have watched this movement grow and I am eager to continue our fight. As a result of this nomination, my name will not be on the Primary ballot on June 13, but it will be on the General Election ballot in November. Can you help us spread the word and mobilize our campaign? I could not have accomplished what I have so far without your help. I am forever beholden to the citizens who donated their time and energy to this campaign. Together we will make Richmond put people first. In solidarity, Joshua Cole and

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