
Government : Forms Of Government Essay

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Forms of Government
Nigeria is a federal republic, with a presidential system of government which includes the three arms of government namely the executive, legislative, judiciary.
The executive arm of government is found at both the federal and state level. The federal level consist of the president, the vice president and members of the executive council. At the state level, the executive arm consists of the governor, deputy governor and members of the executive council. The main function of the executive arm of government is to implement laws made by the legislature, maintenance of law through the police department etc.
The legislative arm of government is found both at the federal and state levels. The legislative arm of government at the federal level comprises of 109 senate member and 360 house of representative members elected from different states in the country but the president, deputy president, speaker and deputy speaker. The two house combined together makes up the Bicameral national assembly of the federation of Nigeria. At the state level the legislative arm is known as the house of assembly. The legislative arm has the power to make enact laws for the peace, order and good government of the federation of Nigeria. Laws made by the national assembly takes precedence over laws made by the house of assembly.
The judiciary arm of government interprets the law and adjudicates if conflicts arises between the executive and legislature. It carries its function

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