
Gospel Of Matthew Essay

Decent Essays

New material begins at the start of Matthew with the birth and lineage of Jesus of Nazareth through the first 2 chapters. The Sermon on the Mount was then introduced in chapters 5-7. Jesus refers to himself the “Human One” often (i.e. chapter 9 verse 6) and even the “Anointed One” (chapter 23 verse 10), which seems to contradict the Messianic Secret not only in this text, but also Mark. The scene of him walking on water added the part where Peter joined him in chapter 14 verses 28-29. There are many new parables and lessons too (i.e. forgiveness-chapter 18 verses 21-25 and son of the king’s wedding chapter 22 verses 1-15). Jesus also attacks the Pharisees more as seen in chapter 23 verses 13-36. The apocalyptic aspect of the gospel of Matthew is expanded up in chapter 24-25. At the end of Matthew, it is further explained that Jesus rose from the dead and spoke in chapter 28. …show more content…

These Jewish people did thank the God of Israel for the miracles Jesus was performing which shows a strong tie to Judaism. On the other hand, a good amount of conflicts between Jesus and certain Jewish leaders and practices occurred in Matthew. A good example of these conflicts is seen in his constant back and forth with the Pharisees and Sadducees (i.e. 22), along with his action in the temple. By the end of Matthew, his revolutionary ideas and conflicts put him at odds with Judaism and this would eventually lead to his death as described in chapter 27. lead to and with this he has prophecies to fulfill. He comes off as someone who wants to enact great change in the religious practices of his people as seen with his actions in the temple and constant conflict with the Pharisees and Sadducees (i.e. chapter

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