
Gospel Of Jesus Research Paper

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Countless people regard the disciples as some of the most devout followers of Jesus, as they were the first and the chosen ones. Followers of Christ use the disciples as models of faith, and attempt to share the messages of the Gospels in the same way the twelve did. What modern Christians fail to emphasize, however, is that the disciples doubted and denied Jesus. Although the disciples spread Jesus’ message after Jesus’ death, during Jesus’ lifetime, they were not always the perfect models of faith that they are portrayed as today. In the Gospel of Mark, the disciples doubt the power of Jesus on many occasions, but one of the most significant is the feeding of the four thousand. Previously in Mark, Jesus demonstrated his ability to feed five thousand people with only five loaves and two fish, yet when Jesus says he is going to feed four thousand people with seven loaves and a few …show more content…

Shortly after Jesus was arrested, one of the high priest’s maids approached Peter proposing, “You too were with the Nazarene, Jesus”, but Peter replied saying, “I neither know nor understand what you are talking about” (Mark 14:67-68). Today, Peter is known as the “rock” that Jesus built his church upon, but during Jesus’ lifetime, Peter hesitated to admit that he was a follower of Jesus. Accordingly, Peter, who was supposed to be Jesus’ closest follower, turned his back on Jesus, leaving Jesus to die alone. Through the stories told by Mark, it becomes evident that there is an obvious discrepancy between what the disciples did when Jesus was alive and what they did after Jesus died and resurrected. The disciples were only human, so one could not expect them to be perfect in all they did, but the stories of Mark show they played a key role in the suffering of Jesus. In fact, the disciples, as portrayed in the stories of the gospel, can even be seen as models of how not to follow

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