
Gorges Dam

Decent Essays

1. Why was the building of the dam first proposed in 1919 and by whom?

The dam was first proposed by Sun-Yat San, the father of modern China, in order to protect river communities from floods and also contribute for economic development plan for China.

2.Why have archaeologists and historians criticized the building of the Three Gorges Dam?

Archeologist and historians criticize the building of the Three Gorges Dam because it is socially and environmentally destructive. This is because when the dam is finished, nearly 2 million people will have been displaced and 4000 villages, 140 towns, and 13 cities will have been swallowed up. Also, monuments, and priceless archeological discoveries of this countries culture will be lost …show more content…

In addition, farmland has been destroyed because of the floods and the decrease in delta sediment. The dam has reduced downstream nutrients and sediment flow. And has seriously impacted neighboring river and seacoast ecosystems.
10. Although. Over a million people have been displaced by the dam already. What is the future forecast for local citizens? Is the social turmoil over yet?
Many local citizens have not been given their compensation for moving because of the dam. In addition, much of the money the government promised has also been embezzled. Therefore, many people will probably not be given their compensation in the future. The social turmoil is still not over yet because the people who have been displaced were not given as much fertile soil as promised. This causes many farmers to be making less, then the amount they made in their original homes.

11. What was an important economic goal associated with the building of the Three Gorges Dam?
The economic goal was to create more and cleaner power. In addition, they wanted the Three Gorges Dam to improve shipping.
12. How does the Three Gorges Dam improve Yangtze River trade?
The Three Gorges Dam allows larger ships to travel the river, improving

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