
Google Persuasive Letter

Satisfactory Essays

Dear Editor of the Atlantic, I would like to let you know that through reading Nicholas Carr’s argument on Google, I may say that I do not completely agree on his viewpoint. For the same reason I decided to write this letter to you sharing my opinion on the Internet. First, Google or any other search engine has the purpose to make the most of the information present in the world available to the digital community, as the people might be looking for a topic that is not known to them. This, does not mean they are “stupid”. Google is only the most direct solution to find the right sources for free, without the need to go to the library and to decide which kind of formats to choose to read. Therefore, as described in the excerpt in which Carr states that some students do not read research papers, it might be for various reasons. One of them is they are searching specific concepts on a topic, they might find a topic on a site and realize that this one might not be the best option in regard to its credibility. The sites might be not recent and students are looking for a topic relating itself to a current issue such as new findings or new ideas, and if this is a technology research also what the new innovations are available. …show more content…

Other times, I needed to go and search topics for researches that needed to have background on the topic I was analyzing. In this case, I had to find high amounts of data and sources related to my

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