
Goodman Brown Ambiguity

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“Young Goodman Brown” Evidence of Brown’s encounter being real is the fact that, when the ritual suddenly ended, Brown found himself in the exact spot that he had been, instead of in his bed, seeming to indicate that it wasn’t a dream. However, this same scene can also point to the event being a result of Brown’s imagination. All the members of the cult, who have physical bodies, vanish instantly. Brown could very well have been sleepwalking. For all we know, Brown may have already been a little crazy, in which case his paranoia would have preceded and caused his dream, which in turn would have accelerated the pace of his own downward spiral. “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” It is never revealed whether Oakhurst’s stoicness is the product of courage or of fear. If Oakhurst is essentially courageous, then this would mean that his coolness was not just a show, but rather his true personality, and something that he uses as a tool to make the best of rough situations. However, Oakhurst may instead have been essentially fearful, meaning that his coolness was result of necessity, in a …show more content…

Philip, at this point, is mortally wounded and clearly going to die soon. Syrena claims that she can save him if he asks her to. However, Philip refuses, and instead asks only for forgiveness, seeming to think of himself as unworthy of saving. After she asks him again, receiving the same response, she kisses him and drags him down underwater without an explanation. On one hand, Philip, who did not want to be saved and was already dying, may have died, in which case Syrena dragging him down would be taking her last chance to enjoy being with him, and give him a watery grave. She also could have eaten him, as mermaids are known to do that. However, earlier in the movie, it is revealed that there is a myth claiming that a mermaid’s kiss can grant a man the ability to breathe

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