
Good Country People Hulga Summary

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In the Story “Good Country People” Joy Hopewell who changed her name to Hulga at the age of twenty-one without her mother knowing. Hulga is a very interesting and educated person in this short story. In the article it states “Hulga becomes a bloated, prude, and squinted –eyed” person throughout this story. In this story it shows how Hulga feels about herself and how she is simply just looking for acceptance from her loved ones or anyone that might care for her. Hulga is a unique Character of some many different ways. Starting with her name Joy which I think is ironic because Hulga is the opposite of being joyful or hopeful of anything. Hulga has a wooden leg which in the story sounds like she uses it to take advantage of people. The story state that Hulga was making ugly remarks and her face so glum. She also was standing square and rigid shouldered with her neck thrust slightly forward. Mrs. Hopewell stated “please excuse this attitude because of her leg.” Hugla feels that she can’t pursue the life she wants because of her weak heart. She says in the story that “if it hadn’t been for her weak heart should would be in a university lecturing to people who know what she was talking about” I personally believe no matter what is physically wrong with you, …show more content…

Mrs. Hopewell States that Hulga “ must have thought and thought until she had hit upon the ugliest name in any language”. Hulga thinks that her wooden leg gives her the right to be rude to people and her loved ones. Hulga tries to be the ugliest person and I think she uses her wooden leg to help her think that she is ugly. Hulga seems to me that she can do whatever she wants and say whatever she wants so, she won’t have to try and fit into the normal world and she rather stay in her illusion world. Hugla’s dose not only feel that she can succeed in going to a university but, she also feels like a victim and this is what causes her vulnerability and

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