
Good And Evil In Lord Of The Flies

Decent Essays

Characters in almost any book often come across a “crossroads”, or a time during which they are forced to ultimately choose whether they are good or evil. In Wonder, one example of this is when Summer decides to sit with August. One of the more popular girls, she knows that her actions will affect her position in the grade’s class system. Even with the threat of unpopularity looming over her, she decides to sit with August, who has cruelly been nicknamed the “Zombie Kid” by other classmates. At the beginning of the school year, Summer seems to be one of the only students to see August’s kind personality instead of his abnormal face, saying, “He’s just a kid. The weirdest-looking kid I’ve ever seen, yes. But just a kid” (Palacio 119). Unfortunately for Summer, this action causes some of the other students to ask questions or avoid her altogether. At one point, another girl, Savanna, tells Summer “ you would be a lot more popular if you didn’t hang out with him so much” (122). On the other hand, her compassion for August allows her to meet a new friend. …show more content…

Sam and Eric clearly still want to help Ralph, even though they know that they will be killed if they do not join the tribe. Sam does attempt to rectify the situation by warning Ralph about the savage children’s intent to kill him, and even bring him food, but ultimately they selfishly choose to go over to the evil side of the island, where they know they can be protected, even though they must lose their humanity. They do appear ashamed of their betrayal, as illustrated when it is said, “Memory of their new and shameful loyalty came to them. Eric was silent but Sam tried to do his duty” (Golding 181). This is one example of a character choosing what they know is easy instead of standing for what they

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