
Goliath Fish Adaptations

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The Goliath grouper is a fish that belongs to the cod family. Their family name is serenade (cods and groupers). It's scientific name is Epinephelus lanceolatus. Grouper are the largest specimens that are the biggest in the cod family. Grouper are evenly mottled brown with dark spots as seen in fig 1. On the edges of their soft fins juveniles bear striking black and yellow bars. Description bottom dwelling (demersal) predators they are highly regarded as food fish all of them have mostly small scales they are hard to see lateral lines and usually rounded to emarginate tail fins. Their habitat consists of juveniles being encountered in northern estuary systems and shallow inshore reefs with larger adult specimens preferring slightly deeper …show more content…

The grouper has many different types of adaptations. An important aspect of the grouper's body is its jaw; it snaps shut very quickly. Although they don't have front teeth, groupers can use their mouth and gills to grab prey to feed on and kill and are able to suck prey up like a vacuum from a distance. They swallow their prey whole and pulverise it with their inner teeth. Groupers are very capable of swimming long distances but prefer to keep themselves in a certain area that they well, camouflage and capture their prey. Mature groupers like to feed on marine animals like crab, octopus and lobster. Young groupers like to eat smaller marine animals like crustaceans, plankton, micro algae and other microorganisms. But when it's the other way around and they are the prey they can sense predators nearby, they hurry to make their way into the reef and quickly camouflage to pale or darken their body. When threatened, the grouper can make boom sounds by vibrating their swim bladder to scare off their predators. The groupers' predators are the moray eel, the sandbar shark, the king mackerel, the hammer head shark and the …show more content…

The fork in the tail shows that the fish is not a very fast swimmer. The lateral line helps the fish detect predators or prey. The pelvic fins do the job of the dorsal fins to help keep its balance. It uses it's mouth to crush its prey. The pectoral fin helps steer the fish in the direction it wants to go. It has very well developed eyes so it can see its prey and predators very well. The anal fin or fins are used the same way as the pectoral fins and help move the fish it the direction it want to go. The gill cover protects the

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