
Golf Team

Decent Essays

This spring, the College’s athletics department is continuing to development its newly formed golf program.
Chris Larsen, dean of sports and head coach for the golf team, said since the beginning of the semester there is a group of both male and female students practicing under his supervision who will be trying out for the team near the end of the semester.
“We are practicing from 3-5 p.m. every day. It’s been nice. We have been at the driving range on a number of days,” Larsen said. “When it’s too cold, we will be in the dance studio working in front of a mirror, working on swings and trying to get that muscle memory down.
Over all, Larsen said the group trying out for the team has a lot of places to grow but they shows promise.
“We got great students who are giving …show more content…

There are other challenges the program faces, Larsen said like the time restrictions students have with their busy schedules.
“It’s difficult here because we don't have all kinds of time in the day. Golf requires a lot of repetition, maybe even more than any other sport.” Larsen said. “It’s difficult to get that in a two hour time block especially when you are driving back and forth to a course in the in the midst of that two hour time block and picking up golf balls when you are done hitting them. It cuts down on the time.”
Rebekah Goodwin, a junior public relations major and one of the students trying out for the golf team, stated in an email that she has seen developments in the group as well.
“The swing improvements our entire team has made in the few short weeks that we have been back in school is very encouraging.” Goodwin stated. “I believe both the men and women in the C of O golf program are going to grow exponentially in their passion for the game and in their love for the

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