
Goldfish Metabolic Rate Lab Report

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The alternative hypothesis was that the metabolic rate of goldfish in ambient light verse no light, as measured by oxygen consumption, would differ. The null hypothesis was that the metabolic rate of goldfish in ambient light verse no light, as measured by oxygen consumption, would not differ.
There was a total of 8 different trials and each trial had 2 different goldfish. Thus, the sample size was 16 goldfish. The mean metabolic rate of the goldfish in ambient light was 113 delta[O2]/(hour*kilogram) with a standard deviation of 122 delta[O2]/(hour*kilogram). The mean metabolic rate of the goldfish in no light was 163 delta[O2]/(hour*kilogram) with a standard deviation of 75 delta[O2]/(hour*kilogram). The p-value obtained by taking a paired t-test of the data was .411.
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This meant that the metabolic rate of the goldfish in ambient light verse no light, as measured by oxygen consumption, did not differ. The results obtained in this experiment were contrary to the results attained in an experiment conducted by the Physiology Department at the University of Complutense Madrid. In their study the locomotor activity of goldfish was monitored by comparing a group of goldfish with regular melatonin levels and another group with high levels of melatonin. Both groups were monitored during diurnal and nocturnal activities which included food anticipatory activity and circulated cortisol. The group of goldfish with higher levels of melatonin showed significantly lower rates of locomotor activity (Azpeleta, et al, 2010). This experiment demonstrated that higher levels of melatonin, which is a hormone associated with minimal light conditions, led to goldfish exhibiting less locomotor activity. Lower locomotor activity meant lower metabolism rates for

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