Kimberly Jones
October 14, 2013
My objective to obtaining my professional and personal goals is to increase my knowledge through education and work experience and steps that I will need to take to obtain my goals. In this paper I will discuss skills that I need to obtain and milestones I need to achieve, barriers I need to overcome, and time management strategies that I will need to work on. By obtaining my Bachelor’s degree I will not only fulfill my long-term personal goal but also my short-term professional goal. In reaching these goals I will complete my short-term professional goal and be one step closer to fulfilling my long-term professional goal of becoming a clinical instructor.
Professional Goals
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Also by actively using these skills at work I will maintain my skill.
Milestones that I will need to reach include passing the classes that I am enrolled in and completing workshops through UOPX to enhance my education, will be a milestone for my short-term personal goal. Passing classes one by one will not only be and accomplishment but also a milestone in reaching my Bachelor’s, which will be a milestone for my long-term personal and short-term professional goals. By being a preceptor I will be able to work on my teaching skills and use my knowledge as a nurse to help a student develop new skills and give me the opportunity to develop my skills in teaching and communication and also be a precursor to reaching my long-term professional goal milestones as a clinical instructor.
Barriers are always going to be a part of life and trying to work through them is going to be a challenge. My main barriers are work, family, and time. Work and family does not leave much time for working toward my goals. By arranging my schedule at work, which I do have the freedom to do. I can overcome my work barrier. Then there comes time for family and studying. My family will always be a barrier. I usually spend every spare minute with my family. I hope, by sitting them down and explaining my goals and involving them in my journey and allowing them to express their feeling I am hoping it will make
Setting goals is what drives people to growth and change within themselves. If one fails to dream and sets goals, it is unlikely the will grow or change (Scott, 2014). Allowing myself to set goals is a personal commitment and a drive to make change. Growing, educating and knowledge with time allows one to feel safe to dream and thrive to make better and larger goals. My first goal after obtaining my BSN in April 2017 is to work on myself and my family. In my career, my goal will be to work on my clinical ladder and seek ways to improve myself and my facility. There are many committees I would like to join and be a part of at work. I know I will have reached my goal when I have moved up several levels on the clinical ladder. My plans for professional development in the next three to 10 - 15 years will still be working at the bedside spreading my knowledge to others who are willing to learn. If financially I am able I would like to pursue my MSN. Being a leader is something that inspires me and I wish to be knowledgeable enough to help and teach others later in life. The final goal would be to not retire, but to cut down to part time and remain at the bedside. I would love to travel and volunteer my time to others in need of healthcare outside of the US. I will know I have reached this goal when I am at peace
After I graduated with my bachelors’ degree in Nursing, I knew that was not the end of my education. I knew I wanted more knowledge because I wanted to be a master of my profession to be able to truly help my patients.
The first was the rewards for the preceptor. All the preceptors noted the personal and professional reward they received from their roles including learning from those they were training and greater impetus on personal development for the preceptor (46-47). The second result was that the preceptors all mentioned the feeling that their work was making a difference in the trainee’s lives and work. Although the lack of administrator and hospital recognition was mentioned, the preceptors were much more encouraged by the feedback from those they trained (47). Another finding involved the fact that the preceptors taught by word and example and tried to shield the student nurses from discouraging or adverse situations that might have retarded the learning process (48). A fourth theme dealt with the things that made being a preceptor difficult. Various problem areas emerged including, mental stress, feelings on a particular day, high nurse-to-patient ratios, fatigue, and scheduling conflicts (49). The final result was the appreciation of the need for a system that would provide support for the preceptor and the student nurse. The preceptors acknowledged the role played by nursing faculty, unit managers, and other students in making the preceptor learning experience better. They also conceded a need and desire for more initial orientation before taking on the role of preceptor. In sum, the preceptors felt that it was vital to their
I am pleased to state that I have been a registered nurse for forty years. At this moment, I continue working in nursing while pursuing my Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. My intended month of completion is October 2012. My experience in nursing education has motivated me to continue my education and pursue a Masters degree in a nursing related field commencing in 2013. Thus, in terms of my career planning, my education is a crucial part to my professional development. Extending and deepening one's education, especially within the career field of one's choice, can only bring upon additional professional opportunities as well as opportunities for personal growth. My career planning includes building upon my decades of experience in obstetrics, my particular area of specialty, expertise, and passion, with the assistance and addition of higher education. I believe in terms of career planning, my strengths include foresight, preparation, internal motivation, and focus.
A barrier that I had to break or overcome is the fact that I have WPW or ( Wolf Parkinsons White Syndrome), a heart defect. I uses many values to help me overcome my barrier. The main three I used were courage,determination,and excellence. I used COURAGE to help me realize that I had to have surgery to help me and my heart even though it did not work I know personally that I can have any kind of surgery and not be afraid. The same way Jackie Robinson used courage to ignore that man that was yelling at him even though he wanted to he knew the right thing is to not say anything at all. One of the main values I used is DETERMINATION,because right before surgery I was wanting to back out and not have it,but then I started telling myself I would
Many authors including, Pawlas and Oliva (2008) and Bennis and Nanus (1985) discuss the importance for the supervisors to spend much of their time listening to the views of others incising their students and incorporating these ideas into their thinking as a powerful tool for personal development. Moreover, on the job training, mentorship or continual education, are not always easy to access for the educator, my first-hand experience has been that this has been a valuable learning tool which has made me explore how I do what I do when supporting students in their clinical education. Given that my role is a long-term relationship, and that adults learners develop incrementally over time, a supervisor can assist in that change by working with students to establish meaningful long-term goals, working patiently on the
In my current role as a nurse educator I feel the desire to pursue my dream of obtaining a master’s degree, specializing in nursing education. It has been 27 years since I have sat in the student chair in a classroom; therefore, I anticipate a number of challenges and barriers to overcome. In this paper I will present and describe three challenges that I expect to be faced with over the next two years. I will also discuss the strategies I plan to use to address these challenges.
My hopes for the future is being able to use the knowledge I gain on this class and being able to apply it on my daily work ethic. In addition., that I can used this project and use it as a recommendation on one of my meeting and do a presentation about it so my employer see the importance in making an action to help that the issues of retaining nurses need a change as soon as possible .
The first obstacle had to face are my parent divorce. When this obstacle happened I was depressed and not do that good in school. My aunt had to take to with her friend that was an therapist I only went for one day, when it finish the therapy I realized that my life is not over just for a dilema. I was more relief and more ambitious to do all my work and pass all of my classes. The second obstacle is that I would struggle at school is turning in my work late when it was due the next day. Then, I had to overcome it by, making an agenda to keep my work on track and test to study for the agenda really helped me alot. My last dilemma is that I would work during school because me and my family depend on my dad sending money when sometime he wouldn't send us money. Me and my bigger sister would always try to find a job to help my mom to pay bills etc. Another obstacle is trying my best to have good grade and study in a correct way. I try to keep up my grade but sometimes it's hard. I sometimes
The idea of returning to school to master new skills to compete in the workplace is an excellent goal for any working adult. However, it is important for the working adult to understand success is base upon the journey taken and the path chosen by someone. One must realize there will be many barriers and difficulties along the way; however, with dedication, ability to prioritize, and motivation to stay focus, I will succeed and graduate with my Master degree in Nursing in October 2017. For me to be successful in achieving this goal, there are different pathways that I must chose and followed. These are assessing my learning styles, finding ways to manage my time, money, and stress, and setting S.M.A.R.T goals.
One goal related to my personal self awareness and growth as being student nurse is able to implement all my head to toe assessment skills that I learned in lab class and try to make a change in patient's lives as much as possible. Moreover to be a specific goal is not be able to make a medication adminstration error that could harm client's health more than nursing goal I would want to focus on client's goal that way I can provide nest care and learn more from patients.
Some things I can see that might get in the way of my dreams or could potentially be barriers would be maybe funding because I plan on learning every single thing I can about my passion to make it and do what I need to do in order to be successful in my field. Myself can sometimes be a barrier because I can get really lazy at times and know I have something I need to do but just don’t do it because I may not feel like it at the time also I’m a very big procrastinator I wait to the very last minute to do things when I know I should do them as soon as I get them.
As a Registered Nurse I have had the opportunity to be a preceptor to a number of nursing students. I take this role very seriously as I am aware of the impact that my mentoring has on the students’ learning experience, competence and satisfaction
I am striving to achieve professionalism and growth in roles and values while going through the bachelor’s degree in nursing program. I plan on taking each class one at a time, try to do my best, and gain the knowledge needed to grow in the nursing profession. By October 2010, I should obtain my bachelor’s degree in nursing, which will provide new opportunities, such as management, and educator positions. A bachelor’s degree in nursing will provide the opportunity to further my education to a master’s degree level.
As a graduate student, it would be imperative to begin to develop a career plan that includes an assessment of my skills and abilities. My personal goals may include to become a nursing leader in my community. My educational goals include to have a doctorate degree in nursing. Last, professionally my goal is to aspire a highly position in my nursing career. Through the development of this Career Development Plan would allow for a clear direction in attaining my personal, educational, and professional goals.