GMO what are GMO’s? GMO’s are (Genetically Modified Organisms in food). Scientist are genetically altering food with unhealthy GMO’s, therefore food companies should naturally grow and raise their food, should have to meet higher health standards, and the government should think about outlawing GMO’s. GMO’s were introduced in 1994 to the store and approved by the FDA. When companies have food with GMO’s in it they are required by law to label that this food has GMOs in it. GMO’s are most common in corn, soy, cotton, and animal. The human and the animal health. When a average day person eat a GMO, GMO can cause unknown health problem to the person like as soy allergies, skin prick these are a couple of health problem that is the most common. The companies says that they had tested that the GMO doesn't give them any sickness and allergies, that everything they do is completely ok to eat. Back in 1980’s L-tryptophan ( a chemical they put in GMO) killed about 100 american also this disability to at least 5000-10000 people alone in 1980’s, that all lot of people just from GMO. The government is making the food companies strictly label GMO on their food they sell. The …show more content…
One of the big one is allergies. These allergies can affect 5% of adult and 2% of children, that may not be a lot but it should be lower. The food companies also use low toxin plants in there food. People are concern that exotic gene in plants will higher toxin in the plant, and if the toxin is more higher in the plant the the food will be more dangerous to eat. When an average day person eats an GMO substances they are losing the nutrients they need. The animal or plant losses the nutrient from the GMO and from this people can get more sick. When animal are in the farm they are getting sick from all the bacteria around them from being so crowded and when they eat they
I am writing this letter of recommendation to express my support for Keyshia Martin in her application for the Jackie Lajeunesse Scholarship Award. Thank you to the Ontario Ringette Association for organizing this rewarding opportunity for a great supporter of ringette.
As said before, GMOs are genetically modified organisms, and can be dangerous, so experts say. They say that the GMO process causes diseases such as cancer or diabetes, and some also say that GM foods can cause allergic reactions. They are saying this because, as they have discovered, some companies have mixed protein from nuts and inserted into beans, which can be harmful
People who support GM foods dismiss complaints that they might not be safe to eat. GM foods are likely to be more nutritious and contain smaller amounts of pesticide residues that foods raised by traditional farming methods. Food poisoning agents such as salmonella are natural and they kill thousands of people each year. Lots of plants produce powerful toxins to deter pests. With the technology of GM Crops including beans and cassava (a fruit grown in tropical countries) produce cyanide that can be removed before cooking. This is extremely useful for consumers to eat and for producers to make.
Bronchitis COPD is a productive cough for at least 3 months along with airway obstruction. This condition would likely result in the clinical finding of crackles, wheezing, sputum production, and hypoxia and abnormally elevated carbon dioxide retention at rest. Bronchitis COPD involves inflamed airways obstructed by mucus whereas emphysematous COPD involves destruction of terminal airways leading to decreased space for gas exchange. In emphysematous COPD, one would have shortness of breath, dyspnea and may appear barrel chested. Also, hypoxia and hypercarbia aren’t as prominent in emphysematous COPD as in bronchitis COPD.
GMO food can cause an appearance of new diseases. They are unnoticeable,making them a silent killer in the food industry. They also have contributed to the development of many common diseases in the United States, including premature aging, gas problems, organ damage, and more. As well as them being connected with reproductive damage,they also make an appearance of food allergies, and increased infant mortality happen.
As you bite down into a big juicy hamburger that has tomatoes, onions, pickles, and ketchup on it you are eating food that has been genetically modified, GM, or also called GMO (Genetically modified organisms). “GMOs is the manipulation of DNA by humans to change the essential make up of plants and animals” (Mather 410). “GMOs have been introduced to improve food production” (Amofah 117). “The United Nations projects that world population will increase by 25% to 7.5 billion by 2020” (Amofah117). So, the intentions are to increase food supply to make up for the population number. The creation of GMOs is so food can withstand cold temperatures, pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. Some of the concerns that come with having GMOs in our food supply are health, environmental health, and water pollution.
There are some scientists and experts in the biotechnology field who assert that there is absolutely no environmental or health hazards associated with the cultivation or consumption of GMO’s. According to Chelsea Snell et al., in a review of reports on GM feeding trials performed on animals there are no hazardous health effects. The authors of the report evaluated 24 reports of animal feeding trials, and determined that, “The
There is a lot of controversy has occurred with the arrival of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), especially the production, consumption, and sale. Many people are concerned, or not convinced, that the consumption of GMO foods by humans may or may not create health risks. Would you ever think of eating genetically modified food in your daily meal? If you 're like most people, you 'll be puzzled to know that most fast food places like McDonalds and Burger King, and even your local grocery market have bioengineered food which are genetically modified. While some may see GMOs as controversial, there are some advantages with having higher expected crop yields and feeding more countries with this type of food. The disadvantages have been debatable by many people on whether or not GMO foods are safe for human consumption and has been a dynamic topic for quite some time.
GMO’s can be very dangerous to everyone because, they can effect some of the youngest of society, and harmful foods are not even labeled, also GMO’s are proven to be a leading factor in allergies.
They often try to stay away from these genetically modified foods like corn, wheat, fruits and even in meat. It is said the GMOs consequences are largely unknown and once the genes have been modified, there is no going back. Though GMOs can be very helpful. Genetically modified organisms can provide and save plant waste by a bug resistant plant, survive in harsh climates and modify the size of plants. GMOs are safe for human consumption because we have been eating them for decades with no ill effects, but for people who don’t want to eat GMOs, products should show provide labeling. GMOs are safe to consume because they are simply an organism, like other organisms, have tens of thousands of protein, but two of those proteins are chosen to be modified by humans. Recently the FDA approved genetically modified apples to prevent them from browning and potatoes bruising. While people began to uprise to this change, the FDA claims that these new GMOs apples and potatoes are safe and nutritious to eat. The benefits of GMOs is the resistance to disease. Plants can now withstand harsh climates, make crops pest and parasite free, and eliminate bacteria in plants. Crops have become high in nutritional value, with high vitamins. For example, golden rice is packed with vitamin A which helps treat disorders. There is also environment benefits allowing livestock and crops to adjust to any environment. Lastly, it helps to boost our health foods add nutrients to our diet by incorporating essential minerals and vitamins, which helps keep future generations fit and
(CFS, “GE Food & Your...”) This means that the GMO’s disease will not allow antibiotics to work on your body, which will increase your chance of infections and other diseases. Immuno-suppression, a study shows that GMO potatoes contain biopesticides that have a dramatic effect on organ development, body metabolism, and immune function. (CFS, “GE Food & Your...”) Cancer, the FDA allowed the use of Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), they used this with dairy cows to help them produce more milk. (CFS, “GE Food & Your...”) Canada and Europe did not allow this because in the hormone made the cow's milk increases the risk of breast, prostate, and colon cancer in humans and animals. Loss of Nutrition, scientists also found out that GMO’s change the nutritional values of the food. (CFS, “GE Food & Your...”) These scientist told the FDA about the loss of nutrition, and of course the FDA ignored their
The crazy thing is GMOs haven’t been around for that long, they were introduced in 1996. This may be the reason for a lack of knowledge on how GMOs can affect us in the long run. However, we are already noticing that there have been increased allergic reactions, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and other toxic hazards in those recent years (Smith, Safe Food). That may not seem like a lot right now, but that’s only the start of it. More children are having life-threatening allergies, which can be contributed to increased GMO intake. Already 37 people have died from side effects of GMOs, 1,500 partially paralyzed and 5,000 were temporarily handicapped by chemicals used in harvesting GMOs (Smith, “Genetic Roulette” 258). These numbers do not include the number of children that have been born with birth defects associated with the chemical, glyphosate. This chemical alone can cause infertility, stillbirths, miscarriages, and cancers (The Ecologist). Researchers found that glyphosate “caused malformations in frog and chicken embryos that were like human birth defects found in GM soy-producing areas. In particular, the researchers found malformations of the head and cyclopia (where a single eye is present in the center of the forehead)” (The Ecologist). Seeing that GMO’s have only been deemed “safe” for human consumption for a little over 20 years there are no long term evidence or studies that show it is no hurting us. Not to mention how inhumane genetic modification repercussions can be to animals. Take one look at the Documentary Food Inc. the images shown are horrific and immediately make you rethink your choices food wise. The chickens are being injected with genetically modifying serums. Those serums make chicks grow twice as large, twice as fast (Food inc.). Yeah, that may sound great for the corporation, however, those chicken’s bodies are not built for that.
The GM foods can even potentially create life-threatening allergic reactions and health problems, overtime as the consumer doesn’t always know where the gene was taken from to alter that food. Therefore because of this my last point is that consumers are not fully aware of what they are buying; as such “consumers with allergies, vegetarians, and people who follow religious dietary rules cannot avoid food that might contain genes derived from forbidden
To make better tasting foods, food companies will add unhealthy amounts of trans fats, sugars, and salt. People start to have addictions to GMOs because of this. The human body doesn’t need these things which leads to various health issues. One complication from sugars is obesity which can lead to diseases such as diabetes which can ultimately kill. Salts will lead to high blood pressure which can increase the chances of heart failure, kidney disease, and
To begin with we will provide a brief background on the GM food. Elders always told to me that do not eat GM food since I was a child. Those words are deeply buried in my memory for long time. What is GM food? Do GM food really bad to us? Actually, the full name of GM foods is “Genetically modified foods”. It is a kind of foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. (Genetically modified food) It means that GM food is plants and animals have parts of their DNA from other creature. The genetic engineering of animals and plants is becoming one of the greatest and most complex environmental challenges of the 21st Century. With the development of genetic technology, GM foods are getting more and more common in our daily life. Lots of countries allow producing genetic plants and foods since genetic engineering has been developed especially United States. According to research, currently, up to 93% of U.S. corn is genetically engineered (GE), as are 94% of soybeans and 96% of cotton (cottonseed oil is often used in food products), (Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S) which means more than half foods on supermarket shelves, from soda to soup, crackers to condiments, may contain genetically engineered ingredients.