
Globalization and the Exploitation of Third World Women Essay

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Globalization has had a significant impact on the lives of women in the developing nations, which we will further examine in the two countries – Bangladesh and Kenya. In this paper, Globalization is defined as “a complex economic, political, cultural, and geographic process in which the mobility of capital, organizations, ideas, discourses, and people has taken a global or transnational form (Valentine Moghadam 1999). Globalization has more negative effects on women in third world countries such as Kenya and Bangladesh. Corporations hire people in the third world countries, due to the cheap labor force. Corporations like to hire more women than men in the cheap labor force, because women “work in labor intensive industries at lower wages …show more content…

The double standard causes women to develop a double role of survival. Women in Bangladesh have had a long history of exploitation and have faced discrimination due to their gender. Bangladeshi women came to the international attention in the form of cheap and docile labour. Traditionally, the idea of separate spheres, where men are the breadwinners and women look after the household, comprised the typical Bangladeshi household. Due to the impact of globalization, the economic stability of the country has been severely destroyed and has forced many women to work for longer hours that seem not enough to let the ends meet. Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS) is an agency for empowerment of women in Bangladesh and states that the current trend of globalization in Bangladesh, has an exploitative nature which is extreme to women in the society. Rural women have been working quite long in the agricultural sector, but with the commercialization of the agricultural sector, many women have migrated to the city centers such as Dhaka and working for garment or other industries for minimum wage. Women have a limited scope of economic development in a Bangladeshi society and are paid less than the men, due to the socio-political structure, as well as their lack of education, which is governed by the patriarchal ideology. Given that,

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