
Globalization The Super Story By Thomas Friedman Analysis

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We are said to be living in a world with a transparent and yet to develop war. But how can anyone really see it and understand it if no one is aware of how tragic events happen, who and how many people, countries and nations are behind it and how it all connects to technology. At least, that is what Thomas L. Freidman writes about in his article “Globalization: The Super-Story”. Friedman's article was a very interesting read, especially since it touches upon some pretty dense and forgotten subjects, such as global politics, technology and history. When I read the title of this article I expected Friedman to discuss about global markets and the interaction of nations yet I was amazed when he expanded on the supermarkets and how globalization …show more content…

Friedman explains the diplomacy of the twenty-first century in the following: "The world has become an increasingly, interwoven place, and today, whether you are a company or a country, your threats and opportunities increasingly derive from who you are connected to" (392). Ever since the invention of such advanced systems, it has indeed become easier to enforce power and priority over individuals and nations of lesser power, and it is now possible to engage in war against powerful rivals to a horrific degree. The consistent and credible threat of a nuclear warfare is not too difficult to uphold, despite the distance or the size of the nation. Friedman also mentions the rise of new superpowers such as the global market thanks to the Internet, an easy accessible network with the entire world. With the global market, any company or individual who utilizes this invention is able to easily manipulate the flow of the economy very similarly to how a nation does. Therefore, the potential of a smaller group of people or even an individual can match that of an entire nation. His closing remark introduces a fate which discourages the presence of security which the United States, a nation which gained its independence and security from other national …show more content…

The definition is excellent in describing the system that is present today. Friedman pointed out that markets around the globe become intertwined into one web of connectivity, where one company in North America can easily interact and do business with an individual in Asia, and create profits. However, the inter-connectivity I believe in has more to it. Going beyond what Friedman stated, I argue that the globalization of world markets not only helps the existing large financial centers of the world, but also smaller, and often times, newer markets. While I do not agree with the outsourcing of jobs, the factories moved to lower wage countries is a benefit to people working, and living there. It offers employment, and a life to the workers that they would have never had if the factories were never sent there. It helps the poorer nations in developing an economy, and become part of the global market. Friedman said that Supermarkets can destroy nations (473), but its power could also aid the poorer nations to grow and even maybe, join the global

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