
Globalisation In Australia Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Globalisation is the process of integration and sharing of goods, capital, labour, services, knowledge, leisure, sport, ideas, and culture between countries. Globalisation is making a positive contribution to the world in many ways, such as, increased competition, stabilised security, and more wealth and economy throughout the world. Globalisation has increased the competition between many retail stores. When there are multiple producers trying to gain hold of the economy, generally the quality of goods and services rise as a result. With globalisation, more businesses are starting to cross international borders introducing a higher standard into the global marketplace, by doing this, consumers have greater options to choose from. Whilst more companies and businesses come into Australia it creates more competitors and wider choices to consumers, meaning each company has to continuously improve their goods or services to create more value for their customers. This also allows consumers to purchase better products for lower prices. For example, Coles and …show more content…

When our economy relies, and depends mostly on another country’s economy, it is very difficult to imagine either of the countries attacking the other. A lot of violence still happens in the world, and the fact is that globalisation has cooled and reduced the amount of conflicts that could have turned bad if the country’s financial health didn’t rely on the other. In a way, globalisation has helped increase world security. If China didn’t rely on Australia for iron ore, there is a possibility that the two countries could have extreme conflict, but since they rely on each other for materials, the two countries won’t get involved in conflict as it would affect the countries’ ability to produce products. Globalisation has caused stabilised security between countries, this has had a positive impact on the

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