
Global Warming Is One Of The Most Important Issues Today 's Society Essay

Decent Essays

Currently, global warming is one of the most important issues in today’s society. But, what is the actual meaning of global warming. According to, global warming is an increase in the earth 's average atmospheric temperature that causes analogous changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect. I have read a tremendous amount of books and articles regarding global warming. What are the effects, main causes and how the world should stand and try to reduce what causes this massive climate change. I have interviewed Jehan Albasara, who is a student’s in Wayne State University. She is very interested in natural issues like global warming, air pollution, ect. She thinks global warming is “a serious phenomenon that requires an immediate attention to help in making long term solutions to ensure that there will be a habitable earth for the next generations.” I also asked her about what the roles of the businesses to reduce this global change .Jehan said “Although the damage has been already done, but there is still, however, a ray of hope in limiting or slowing global warming.” “The UN Paris Agreement of 2015, is a huge step in making the necessary limits. Unlike other matters, global warming impacts almost everyone; no one and no nation will be exempt from the consequences of the climate change.” The second person that I did that interview with is Zabiba Jwany, a student at Macomb Community college who is majoring in natural science, and her stand

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