
Global Warming Is Becoming An Ecology Threat

Decent Essays

There has been a loss of respect for mother Earth; humans have developed the filthy habit of littering anywhere possible. For example, “one ton of 100% recycled paper save the equivalent of 4,100 kilowatt-hours of energy, 7,000 gallons of water, 60 pounds of air emission and three cubic yards of landfill space”. Based on the facts there has been proven that global warming is actually becoming an Ecology threat. I want to give the reader an insight of how we humans are destroying the planet Earth. The planet Earth is only getting worse; therefore we humans must practice more sustainable acts. Did you know that office building use approximately 19 percent of all energy consumed in the United States, and although the U.S. is only 5 percent …show more content…

Eventually, this will cause the native people a hard time to hunt them. We are facing temperature that we had never experienced before. Many people don’t believe that the ozone layer and atmosphere are decaying. According to the U.S. Global Change Research Program, the temperature in the U.S. has increased by 2 degrees in the last 50 years and precipitation has increased by 5%. In the near future we will be flooded by water and then we will want to save the planet, but eventually it will be too late. I have acknowledged that not many people are making an effort to be a Good Samaritan. Just looking at local cities, the lack of recycling effort resident shows impacts drastically around the world. Imagine these local cities, plus thousands/millions more around the world, refusing on doing an ecological act of recycling and reusing materials. These acts might not look bad for one person, but if you sum all the people doing it around the world, it adds up to an enormous number. A lot of those people doing all those filthy acts often believe that global warming is fake and that if they don’t dispose an item properly, they assume that nothing will happen to the ecosystem. Also, the people around the world don’t see the bigger picture that by having a large home/mansion is slowly killing the environment. Why? Because the larger the house the more wood is required to build it, and use more quantity of other products that are not appropriate for the environment.

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