
Global Warming Is All Too Familiar For Most Of Us

Good Essays

Ethan Reding
Mr. Tim Morris
Catholic Social Teaching
Our Changing Climate
The phrase “global warming” is all too familiar for most of us. It is a matter addressing our changing climate, and it is one of the most controversial topics of the time. Issues on global warming come from recent changes in our climate: some attribute this to increased involvement with the Earth’s macro-ecosystem, and some people attribute these things to random acts of nature, and some attribute this to patterns of nature that has nothing to do with human involvement, and some people have an opinion somewhere in the middle, forming a loose and manipulable opinion or simply not forming one. Most people, even those who care little, recognize that global warming, or the change of the climate, is probably cause by some degree of human involvement. Unfortunately, there is a noticeable dividing line between viewpoints, and other variables go in to whether someone should back those view points, but this in not explicitly true for all people.
One view point is that global warming is a myth and that there isn’t enough scientific evidence to support it. This idea typically held by people who are more right-wing aligned. To have the opinion that global warming is not a problem is alright to have, but actually there is more than enough scientific evidence to prove that climate change in happening. In my opinion, I think that this response comes from another factor rather than ignorance of scientific

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