
Global Warming And Its Effects

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The advancement of human civilization time stamped with industrial revolution influenced higher standards of living with urbanization, the development of factories, metallurgy, mining, transportation, and mass production. The developments where driven by coal, which became a continuous and powerful resource of energy. As energy, mass production and technology progressed the human species had distinctly in rapid time left a unique foot print in Earth’s history. This unique foot print marked by pollutants, caused a rapidly changing environment. Within decades sea levels started to rise and a change in rainfall became apparent, areas with drought started to receive less precipitation, thus high temperatures started to cause a reduction in global harvest. Thus, scientist discovered global warming was influenced by the human production of greenhouse gas that could potentially cause irreversible climate change, which could continue for 1000 years. Although, these facts are daunting, optimistic approaches for combating global warming are obtainable. Global recognition of climate change has influenced a cap on carbon emissions and stimulated the use of renewable energy, but this may not be enough considering the time greenhouse gas lingers in the stratosphere. Therefore, geoengineering may be a new approach for resurrecting our climate, in an attempt to counteract the effects of global warming. For this to be an evident and positive approach three factors should be taken into

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