
Global Population In America

Decent Essays

The effect of global population is caused by 1. the lack of space to live, 2. water to drink, 3. the way food being process in America, 4. changing of temperature, and 5.we need to move to another planet. Global population is caused by the influx of people immigrating to the America since people believe that America is the land of opportunities. As the result, in America we have scarce resources such as food and water. The next step we need to to do is moving to the next closest planet, Mars. Although Mars do not have life at all we are aware that the little red planet contains water. The issue about moving to Mars is due to the atmosphere of Mars being heavily toxic to breath on . According Universe Today, “Mar’s surface is a dry, barren wasteland marked by old volcanoes and impact …show more content…

The ice caps at the Sierra Nevada is still slowly drying up and melting really fast due to the amount of radiation caused by the sun uv rays and the car's pollution. An quote to support this, “ Water covers approximately 70 percent of the Earth's surface, but less than 1 percent of that is available for human use.” (EPA Partnership Program). I find it saddening because most of Earth is made of water, but we can only get some doses of it. It is tragic since the drought is a factor to make water dried up. Global Climate change is caused by radiation from factories that are doing fracking. According to the Water group, they said “ Oil companies drilled underground for oil and used some water to force the oil to come up.” This idea comes to know as fracking. This idea creates the ideal temperature to rise up. According to bbc, “Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at the rock to release the gas inside.”
Once the process of fracking happens the people will mistakenly drink the water underground and die by water poisoning by the lead pipes similar to Flint

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