
Global Environmental Problems

Decent Essays

Global environmental problems have taken a turn for the worst in recent years. For water pollution, carbon emissions, and hurricanes have been at their highest peak in 2017. These issues have only begun to get worse due to power plants, burning of fossil fuels, and several other environmentally hazardous factories. In just 2017, six major hurricanes have occurred due to a combination of climate change, warming of the oceans, air and water pollution, overpopulation, and several other environmental polluters. Countries, including the United States of America, are drastically being affected by these events, some more than others. Global environmental problems have increased over the years and will continue to grow worse if actions are not taken to change this pattern. If the population continues to grow exponentially, like it is now, Homo sapiens will drastically feel the effects of global environmental changes including a lack of water, polluted waters and air, and a drastically lower life expectancy. According to the article, “Food” by World Wildlife 7.3 billion people live on this Earth and all together we consume 1.6 times what Earth’s natural resources can offer us (1). With this statistic alone, it is prevalent that if we continue to consume more than what Earth can offer us, we will run out of natural resources. Running out of natural resources such as food will drastically affect the Homo sapiens race as well as all life forms on Earth. Environmental storms will

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