
Global Activism

Decent Essays

This article written by Lance Barnette explores the distinctions involved in the internet and mass media to provide an structural output of socially global activism. Barnette states that “as various media become interactively connected, information flows easier across boundaries” (Barnette, 2003). To this distinction, I agree that interactivity of social media allows for consumers/readers of activism propaganda to truly participate in the movement. Whether it is in the form of a video, poll or meme, some participants may unknowingly partake in the activity and share that form of propaganda. Overcome boundaries were “technological, social and geographical” (Barnette, 2003). As long an any device is capable to connect to the internet, it becomes an agent for delivery of information. …show more content…

This allows for efficient global activism regardless of where the message originated from. New communication options have the potential to transform both political organization and power relations (Barnette, 2003). The power of the internet is an ideal construct, it is neither real nor tangible, yet, it has the power for infinite amounts of new organizations. What is meant by this, is that as new organizations are developed, for example, a new app, a new way of connecting is formed. This provides a user with the ability to reach populations far from their circle of socialization. Moreover, this provides users with new methods of interaction and new means of

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