
Glen Echo Amusement Park Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Glen echo amusement park Erin martin 7300 macarthur blvd 2/22/16 Glen echo, Md 20812 per: 6/8 To: whom it may concern, I'm writing in regards to your current discrimination policy. I understand what you believe in, that black people should not be allowed in your park. However your policy is not justified because, Clifton Davis worked his hardest and raised the money so that he could get his happiness, but keeps on getting denied. It's not fair because of his race that he can not go to the park it should be equal. Him and his friend payed a lot of money to enjoy the park, but was denied access. One reason that the management is not justified in excluding Clifton Davis is because, you are not treating him equally. All men are created equal we all deserve happiness, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” This shows that black people have rights just as much as white people do. This all shows that black should be equal to white people. They should …show more content…

This illustrates “These rights are life, freedom, and the ability to look for happiness” according to The Declaration Of Independence, thus showing that he should have rights and happiness in his life. This also shows that freedom is a right and it should not be taken away from people; therefore, he should have happiness. The final reason was, in 1959 a thirteen year old boy tried to find his happiness by going on a trip with his class, but it was denied. For example, “after feeling sad for ten seconds, i decide to fund the trip myself. This shows that he tried hard to succeed at what he was trying get but, the the management said,”No negroes in our park.” As I recall back to the Declaration Of Independence it says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” therefore The Glen Echo Park is not falling the

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