
Girl By Jamaica Kincaid Essay

Decent Essays

When I first read through Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl,” I’ll admit my first reaction to the piece was relief at the short length. However, as I processed what she was writing, my appreciation for the piece deepened. It is rapid and blatantly lays out the standards that Kincaid was held to during her childhood. It is written as though the reader is on the receiving end of a harsh set of rules, seeing their brutality from Kincaid’s perspective. Originally, I believed Kincaid’s purpose for writing this piece was to highlight the stark contrast in the treatment of men and women. For instance, the purpose of the rules seem to be to create the perfect housewife and the piece repeatedly warns against being “the slut you are so bent on becoming” (Kincaid 385), while you are not …show more content…

It was brought up during the discussion that the person giving Kincaid these unforgiving standards was her mother and that her intent wasn’t malicious, but loving. This idea softened my thoughts about this piece; these rules aren’t being dispensed in anger, it is in fear that her mother imparts her knowledge attempting to keep her daughter safe and secure. In our society today, the word “slut” is equated with promiscuity, however it seems that within this context it is synonymous with “outcast.” Of course no mother wants to see her daughter rejected from society. That type of rejection is especially frightening for the mother in this context because her daughter’s image holds a great impact on her very survival. In the very last section of this piece, the effects of these rules culminate in the statement “you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker wont let near the bread” (Kincaid 386)? This implies that if a woman failed or refused to meet the standards of her society, she would be considered too dirty to be allowed

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