
Gilgamesh Epic Hero Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Epic is defined as “ a long poem… involving a panoramic sweep of action and a castoff protagonist who straddle the human divine worlds” (97). The epic hero is the protagonist that goes through some kind of life journey. In the epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is described as half-divine, half-man. Gilgamesh is described as a headstrong, abusive tyrant. His people feared and despised him. “Gilgamesh would leave no son to his father… Gilgamesh would leave no girl to her mother” (101). His people prayed to the heavens to help them with Gilgamesh’s tyranny. Aruru, the birth goddess, responded and created Enkidu out of clay to become a companion for Gilgamesh. Enkidu is created as half-beast, half man. After six days relentless hassling Shamhat, the harlot, convinces Enkidu to take her body. Shamhat humanizes Enkidu. He …show more content…

Enkidu starts to actually resemble man. Gilgamesh and Enkidu travel together and defeat Humbaba. Enkidu and Gilgamesh later meet Ishtar, the goddess of love, after their battle. Upon seeing the victory of the two men, Ishtar pursues Gilgamesh. He denies her and disrespects her. He throws in her face how she gets men and spits them back out. “Which of your lovers lasted forever?” said Gilgamesh. Outraged she begged her father to let the Bull of Heaven take care of Gilgamesh and Enkidu for her. After the defeat of the bull, Enkidu falls sick and dies. Filled with grief, Gilgamesh mourns his friend for seven days. When the death of Enkidu really hits Gilgamesh, he seeks out immortality. Gilgamesh seeks out Utanaphishtim to learn the secret to immortality. Gilgamesh missed out on his chance for immortality and returns to Uruk a changed man. Without immortality, Gilgamesh is humbled. Gilgamesh has learned with life there is death. It is inevitable.

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