
Gilgamesh And Enkidu Comparison

Satisfactory Essays

Micaela Walker
Matthew Reznicek
English 120
21 September 2014
Although Enkidu was a uncivilized and beastly character at the beginning of the Mesopotamian poem, “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, the presence and guidance of Gilgamesh, Shahmat, and Siduri help mold Enkidu into grow into the mature citizen of Urek. In the beginning of this Epic, there is a clear comparison between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Aruru is the goddess of creation who literally morphed Enkidu into a man from clay. “She pinched off clay, she tossed it upon the steppe, she created valiant Enkidu in the steppe” (Gilgamesh 102). He was not domesticated as he ran and was raised by animals, and had very little human like qualities. This shows that Enkidu was essentially ‘molded’ into the mature man he became throughout the poem. …show more content…

Gilgamesh is a oppressive and arrogant leader who leaves little room for compromise between Gilgamesh and his suitors, known to rape women regularly. To help reduce the risk of Gilgamesh’s demise, the Gods and Goddesses have a plan. Enkidu was made of clay for Gilgamesh. He is used to help Gilgamesh become a better human being and leader in many specific ways. Because Gilgamesh and Enkidu are in such a close relationship, it helps Enkidu possesses the emotional like qualities that Gilgamesh lacks. Gilgamesh and Enkidu are great friends, while some might even say

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