
Gilgamesh Accomplishments

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The epic poem of Gilgamesh is written in Cuneiform, which is the first written language that took thousands of years to develop. Gilgamesh was also based around similar locations within the current Southwest part of Asia such as Uruk, Mesopotamia, Tigris River, and Euphrates River. The reason the locations are so influential is because it resembled the specific areas during the time where cultural diffusion was widely spread. It also dealt a lot with Sumerians as they were basically the first civilization and cities to hold over lordship successively. Gilgamesh also had Polytheism influence within the story, such as the goddess Ishtar, the Babylonian and Assyrian goddess of fertility, love, hunt, war, and marriage. There are also influential buildings within Gilgamesh, such as the Ziggurat, which is a rectangular stepped tower design that is used in architecture today. …show more content…

Gilgamesh is also the very first recorded literature written story around 2150 B.C.E. The reason we should all value this piece of literature is because, the story of Gilgamesh was the very first blueprints to establish an iconic hero story. For instance, the Odyssey and The Iliad both written by Homer, a Greek poet who was famous for epic poems, was also influenced and studied by the story Gilgamesh. Society today, might think that the epic poem is very old and iconic back in B.C.E., but it’s very iconic in literature today. For instance, Gilgamesh’s blueprints to a developing hero is acknowledgeable in movies today, such as Star Wars, Beowulf, Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit. A lot of stories/movies would not be the same without Gilgamesh’s influence in literature

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