
Ghost In Hamlet Essay

Decent Essays

No doubt that out of the play’s total of twenty-two scenes, the Ghost appears in just in four scenes and times (as said earlier in I.1, I.4, I.5, III.4), and in two of them (I.1 and I.4) it does not even speak a single word. Of the play’s thousands of lines, the Ghost speaks just some ninety lines, which does not seem like much for such a key figure until we realise how this some lines influence almost all the twenty-two scenes. In fact, the words spoken by the ghost of the late king of Denmark carry the heaviest significance both in the development of the plot and in the development of the characters. In other words it can easily be said that we cannot imagine the play as well as its major characters without being directly or indirectly …show more content…

Without the ghost’s initial revelation of truth to Hamlet, there would be no occasion for revenge; in other words no tragedy of “Hamlet”. As we know that one of the major themes of Hamlet is revenge. The motive force of this revenge theme is provided by the ghost when it says:
“Let not the royal bed of Denmark be/ A couch for luxury and damnèd incest.” (82 -83)

In our third and final point that the appearance of the supernatural ghost shows up the character and drives home a certain moral effect. Here is a transparent clear reality of the universe that the activity like murder must be disclosed even if it done in a very cleverer and in the most secret way. As Hamlet says about the murder of his father, “For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak / With most miraculous organ.” (II.2).
Actually, the play shows that we cannot conceal the truth for a long time. The ghost, we feel, is a representative of that hidden and ultimate power rules in the universe, it is a messenger of the divine justice. As Hamlet says further in the earlier, “Foul deeds will rise / Though all earth o’er whelm them, to men’s eye”. (I. 2 ) indicating that bad deeds will be revealed, no matter how people try to hide

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