
Germany Essay

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The Federal Republic of Germany; with its capital city of Berlin, is located in Central Europe. With a population of 80,722,792 people; 65 to 70% of that practicing Christianity. The common language spoken in Germany is German, or Deutsch. With a total land mass of 137,846 square miles, Germany became one country again after the demolition of the Berlin Wall ending the Soviet Unions control over East Germany reuniting the country after nearly 30 years. Germany has prospered and once again become a nation to be recognized. ‘’Germany is also considered to have a moderate climate with no specific long periods of hot or cold weather’’. Although most of Europe uses the Euro, Germany has adopted the Deutschmark as its currency. …show more content…

Under this Republic, the current leader or Chancellor today is Angela Merkel, the first female Chancellor to be elected in Germany. It is widely considered by most that Merkel is the undisclosed “leader of the free world”. Most recently, Businesses in Germany have been shaken considerably due to the election of Donald Trump.” The United States is Germany’s most important single export destination and President Donald Trump’s protectionist comments have unsettled German politicians and business leaders.” (Euronews).

Business Norms
As evidenced by the graph below, the average working hours in Germany, among other countries in Europe, differ greatly from the United States and have continued to reduce over the years. Over the years in Germany, the normal 40 hour work week has been considered a thing of the past, instead adopting a “less can be more attitude” (Savannah Cox). Adopting a policy known as Kurzarbeit, German officials declared an average 35-hour work week Monday through Friday, with 24 vacation days throughout the year. This policy was designed to enhance the quality of life, and has actually dropped Germanys unemployment rate down to 4.8% and, allowing Germany to keep up with the rest of the world in what it exports. Germans are able to accomplish this by adopting a zero tolerance attitude when it comes to work time. That means that any lollygagging is severely frowned upon.

Customs, Traditions, Etiquette
The Federal Republic of Germany

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